Monday, March 17, 2014

Visitors from afar

     A couple of weeks ago Justin, Kallie and the kiddos came to Graham to visit and celebrate Justin's safe return from Afghanistan. We were excited to see them all and to meet Sophia Grace. 
    The weekend started with a welcome home party Saturday night at the arena. There were lots of people there ready to welcome Justin home, and we enjoyed the festivities. The kids had fun running around with cousins and friends too. 

Siblings reunited

Tucker got to meet a lot of new people too.

Benny Ramsey worked wonders on a mama's boy Tucker so I could eat and snap a few pics.
Aunt Kim sang a little karaoke with the boys.

Daddys taking care of the babies. 


Construction equipment was in high demand.

Dalton and Justin trying to catch up a little.

The next day we all went to church together and then to the Country Club for a family dinner. 
After lunch it was time to try and get a good shot….this was the best we could do. 

     Then on Tuesday evening Justin, Kallie, Karper and Sophia Grace came out for supper. We had pizza and molten lava cakes and visited while the kids played around each other. I wouldn't say they played with each other because they were all playing with different toys, but they did get along well.

The newest cousins 

At first Karper wasn't in the mood for a picture, thought this one was funny 
because of Cooper and Ace's expressions. 
But as you can see at the top, Karper got happy later on. 

Sweet brothers! 

     It's always nice to get to spend time with loved ones, especially ones we don't get to see very often. Looking forward to more visiting this summer when they come back. And now that they are moving to DC we are excited to go visit them there in the future.

"Praise the Lord. Praise the name of the Lord; praise him you servants of the Lord." Psalm 135:1