Tuesday, May 13, 2014



     Easter came fast this year, and we were glad that our Easter baskets weren't packed away so we could find them easily. As the time approached we used some Resurrection Eggs that a friend made us to help prepare the kids for the holiday and what it truly means. These were such a great way for all of us to focus on Christ and His sacrifice for us. As I pondered the crucifixion and resurrection during  Holy Week I found myself amazed once again at Jesus. Amazed at His resolve, His love, His obedience, His discipline, His humility, His example.
     As I discussed it with my boys, using Resurrection Eggs that each contain something that has to do with this season, I was brought to tears at the horror of what was done to our Savior. Opening each egg to reveal what's inside was like opening my heart again to the truth of what Easter week means. The kids were always so excited for 'egg time' as they called it, but as I opened the eggs I felt the sorrow of that time for Christ. The first egg is the Palm Branch that they waved and hailed him as King entering Jerusalem, and we were so excited talking about that. As we talked about Jesus washing His disciples' feet I was humbled at his servant nature and convicted about how I long to be ahead and not a servant. The Last Supper, a Passover meal that became so much more because of Christ, made me see communion in a holier way. When I opened day 5, the sight of coins and a dagger made me cringe at what my sin has done to Him. But when I opened the 6th egg to reveal the crown of thorns, I had to fight the urge to sob. How could I explain to my kids what this meant? To have them understand what mockery and pain and spiritual agony our Savior had to go through to bring us to glory. To picture Him, the true King, wearing that crown of thorns. And Day 8….opening the egg to reveal the nails and a cross, and telling my kids that they nailed his body to the cross even though he had done nothing wrong. Oh I want to feel the weight of this, in history and in my life. Let me live in such a way that I glorify Christ and what He's done and not in a way that makes this atrocity meaningless because I don't change. I was so glad when we came to that last egg…….the empty egg. Never have I ever been so excited to find nothing! Because it means victory for Christ, victory for God's plan, it means that God can be both just and forgiving, and for me most of all it means that I can be with Christ in Heaven one day!     

Opening goodies from Mere Mere and Popsey..new shirts and toys!
   As the time came, we readied our baskets, picked out our outfits and practiced hunting eggs in the yard. The boys were big fans of egg hunting and even hid some for Daddy to find. Later that night I put glow sticks into some eggs and we had an egg hunt in the dark….another success. I was especially excited that this one worked out. Then we finally got the boys to bed after telling them that the Easter Bunny might come visit. Once they were asleep my work began! I had two batches of sugar cookies to frost  and some 'other things' to ready before morning. Finally it was time to go to bed, but the work was finished and I was ready to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection.

    The next morning Dalton and I woke up before the boys and went to see if the Easter Bunny had come. He had come and left their baskets outside under different trees (but he did have trouble deciding whether to leave them in the house or not, hehe). The boys woke up and with a little prodding headed out to check. They found their baskets full of goodies and a note to each one from the Easter Bunny. He told them that he hoped they have a wonderful Easter and then reminded them that the reason for all of this celebrating is because Jesus rose from the dead to save them from their sins…..the Easter Bunny is an evangelist for Christ, that's why he travels around on Easter Eve right? 

 Empty tomb rolls and more goodies, personalized Bibles from GG and Papa!

Cooper's waiting to go into Sunday School and Ace gets serious about the eggs.

 Showing off their finds.

    After the boys checked out their baskets, we had a breakfast of Empty Tomb Rolls and got ready for church. We tried to pose for a couple of pics but they were pretty jumpy. We met Mere Mere and Popsey at church and the kids participated in an Easter egg hunt with their age groups. They had a big time. When the church bells rang we went into sanctuary and celebrated with song and worship. After the service we headed to Aunt Ellen's for lunch and more egg hunting. 

We got to meet baby Benjamin too, so precious! 

    It was a busy lunch with a houseful of guests and we enjoyed the visit, Aunt Ellen always does a great job with Easter fun. Then we headed outside and the kids hunted eggs. Cooper was with the older kids and hunted rapidly, while Ace tootled around checking out the eggs and getting in no hurry at all. Then the confetti eggs came out and we all smashed each other. 

Even Tucker got some confetti. 

Nana with the great grands, missing Chase, Karper and Sophia Grace 

    After checking out the radar and realizing that it was about to rain we loaded up and took our tired kids home and watched the movie Frozen, that Nana gave the boys. And listened to the rain. It was a great way to spend the afternoon and evening, listening to the rain and playing in it! 

     We enjoyed the candy and goodies for days after the holiday and we're enjoying the gift of a risen Savior each and every day, thankful for His sacrifice and love that allows us to be with Him now and forever. 

"There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became lie dead men. The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said." Matthew 28:2-6