Thursday, October 29, 2015

Big News

      It was going to happen sooner or later…. and Dalton and I debated about which it would be. I advocated for sooner and he for later. Well, I guess I won that debate. What am I talking about you ask?

  Yes, we are having another baby! Number 4 will arrive in early February and we are excited, nervous, thrilled, overwhelmed, blessed and wide-eyed. 
   I found out one morning after taking a positive test. Of course the hard part was waiting for Dalton to get home so I could tell him in person. I wanted it to be a cute way since it will probably be our last one and the last couple I've just sorta blurted out to him. 
   The kids and I were going to Wichita Falls that day to return some birthday items so I used that opportunity to buy a few supplies for my announcement. It was a comical trip because as I was trying to get used to the idea that I was having another baby myself, we were met with comments at every store….."my, you have your hands full!" "3 boys, wow!" "are they all yours?" I've never had so many comments in one day…especially considering that the boys were on their best behavior. I chuckled each time thinking "you have no idea" and just smiled and went on with my errand. Those comments (as true as they may be) always irk me. Why not say "what precious boys you have" or "those boys are going to be so close when they grow up" or even just "your'e doing a good job." Oh well. 

    Back to the big news. When I got home I set up the props. 4 arrows in a jar with a sign of the verse from Proverbs about children being a gift from the Lord, and waited for Dalton. I had the shakes by the time he got home…nervous about his reaction, excited about the baby and nervous about the baby too. 
   He walked in and went straight to the sink…wrong direction. Then he walked around and didn't even notice my prop…ugh. Finally he saw it and said "new decoration?" and read the sign without recognition. Finally I had to point out the number of arrows. He then stood their dumbfounded for a bit before saying…."I told you" meaning that he'd told me we only needed one month and not the 6 I was planning to get pregnant. I laughed and told him he was right and that I would trust him from now on. 
     The next couple of days were a little iffy….he was overwhelmed and in shock. But soon he was excited and started already saying he hopes it is a boy. (By now though, he's fine with either). We told the boys and they were excited. Cooper immediately said he hopes it's a girl. He said we have enough boys. Ace kept asking when the baby was coming out of my belly. And since then he's continued to ask if the baby is still in there. It's sweet to hear them talk about it and be interested this time around. 
     Pretty soon it was time to tell the parents. Mom was shocked…Dad said "are you serious, they are crazy," according to Mom (but she said he was smiling at the time…ha). Kallie, Justin, the cousins, Mere Mere, Popsey and Nana all came over for supper soon after we found out the news. 


After our guests left I got doused with water by the brothers. A fun way to end the evening. ; ) 

     And we used that get together to break the news to them……a pinterest idea that paid off so well!!!

"Hey everyone get together for a group picture. Say cheese!" 
"One more….now everyone say 'Gabby's pregnant!'"…..

I mean you couldn't have asked for a better picture!!!!!

      I used that idea for Merann and Jud later that week and on Dalton's aunts. Other than that we spread the news by word of mouth to our closest friends and family. Then we announced it officially with a picture announcement. 

We are thrilled to have another sweet baby on the way and can't wait to see what the Lord gives us! 

     Since I'm so far behind in writing this post….I'll go ahead and share what we're having since all of my 3 readers know already. Its' a girl! We had a reveal party at the house with balloons in a box. I wore blue. Dalton wore blue. Ace and Tucker wore blue. Cooper wore pink. I just knew it was a boy. Yes we'd told everyone that we'd love a girl when they made a statement about how we needed a girl and they hoped it was a girl. But in reality, we were fine with our boy situation too. 

Team Pink!

Team Blue!

    Mom and Dad were able to come up that weekend and celebrate with us. Mom wore pink and Dad wore blue. Mere Mere wore pink and Popsey wore blue. And our guests tipped the scales with lots of pink. Finally the time came to open the box…..Dalton and I turned our backs to it and opened it. 


    We heard lots of screams and I knew what I was going to see….pink balloons. I was SHOCKED. I mean totally SHOCKED. I just kept my hands over my mouth and kept saying "I can't believe it!" Everyone was so excited and we enjoyed sharing the video with our friends and family. 

So surprised! And excited! And scared!

The second picture is me saying "I just knew it was a boy…can't believe this!"

I switched to a pink shirt after the reveal. 

Jen Kelley gave us a sweet Little Sister outfit…love it!

Then we brought out the silly string for the kids (which was our backup reveal idea).


Happy family!

    Then when everyone left and darkness came, the fear set in. I called my mom and cried to her. I cried because our house would never be the same. I cried because my boys wouldn't have another rough and tumble brother. I cried because I am scared of a girl. I cried because I always cry when big changes come. I cried because this is probably our last baby. It took a good 24 hours before I was ok with the news. Not that girls are bad or anything but I was just so overwhelmed at this new change. Now, we are working on getting ready for this. Cooper is thrilled! Dalton is pretty excited too (which surprised me). Ace and I are happy now about it. Tucker has no idea what's going to happen to his baby status in a few months! 
    I bought a pink sleeper the other day to help me get my mind wrapped around this girl idea. And I'm sure that as time gets closer I'll feel more prepared… least I hope so! Because right now I feel clueless and a little scared. I am thankful for the protection and love this baby girl will receive from her big brothers. And I can't wait to see Dalton with a little girl on his hip. And when I'm old and all my boys have left me (wah!!!) I'm so happy that I'll have a best friend that will still call home and come visit. Now the big question is…what will we name this little sweetie??
    Last week this little girly was kicking hard enough that the boys were able to feel her kick. They loved it and keep wanting to feel her kick again. This time is going to be extra special because they are actually old enough to really appreciate the new baby (and hopefully help a little ; ) 
    So that's a lot of big news in this one post. 

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." Psalm 127:3-5

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Food trucks come to Graham….

     Something exciting happened this summer. Well exciting for pregnant, food loving people like me anyway. Graham held a first annual food truck competition with trucks from all over the state. We were very excited to attend and sample the fare. The only downside was the heat…it was brutal. But that didn't slow us down too much! Here's a few pictures of our adventures that day.

We started the eating extravaganza with pizza. It was pretty good but not the best thing we tasted. Notice cool daddy Ace….he makes me laugh. He's tuned in to the music on the stage. Karper says Hi too.

Kallie bought some pulled pork tacos from D-Lish, a truck from Dallas and they were great! My second favorite pick.

Quite a crowd!

There was a magician and the boys couldn't get enough of him! They kept trying to get a peek at all of his tricks. He wasn't as big of a fan of them.

We waited in line for a long time for face painting, but she did a good job. 

Tucker was ready for home and a nap before too long!

The pirate, Ninja turtle and Popsey

     And that was our fun time at the Food Truck Festival!!! Best thing we ate was a pulled pork taco from Gypsy something…it had french fries on it. Yum!

"Then Jesus declared 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:35