Saturday, June 8, 2013


     Last weekend we went to Mom and Dad's and had a little bovine adventure while we were there. During my last visit Dad had been waiting for one of his cows (an older one) to have her calf, but she never did. Well, it seems that she had the calf but when we saw it during our visit he looked horrible.

   Apparently he wasn't eating well and it showed. While we were out by the pool the old momma, Suki, brought up the little guys and kept mooing at us while she hung around outside the fence. When I saw the 'poor little guy' I was shocked at how skinny he was. He was just standing against the fence with his head drooping. Suki was still there mooing at me. I really believe she brought him to us because she knew he wasn't doing good and wanted help. It sounds silly, but it explains why she brought him right up to the fence and kept trying to get our attention.

    I had Dalton bring the calf in the yard and we decided to try and milk the momma and see if he would drink from a bottle. After lunch we set out. I had my camera and Cooper and the guys were in charge of the cows. Dalton grabbed the 'poor little guy' as Cooper took to calling him and hauled him to the barn over his shoulder. Dad was in charge of getting Suki into the pen.

    It all went pretty smoothly, really. They got the momma in the chute by dangling the calf in front of the opening and then it was milking time. I have to admit I was a little disappointed that there was no excitement, but it's probably a good thing that it was all easy and safe. They started milking her and quickly discovered why Bones (the name the guys gave the calf) wasn't growing or sucking. She had blood in her milk..I know, gross!

 Dalton and Dad pushing while Garrett entices her from the front.

 Cooper watched for a little while then was ready to go ride the 4-wheeler

     Then they attempted to milk another cow in the pasture. Didn't get any milk, but she didn't go crazy either. I went in to call feed stores to see who was open on a Saturday afternoon to sell us some milk replacer. While I was inside there was a little action. Apparently Suki was looking for a way out and Dalton was in her way so he got to run up the fence. Too bad I missed it.

     We got the milk replacer and Bones took to it pretty good. He's a slow eater, but got the general idea quickly, which was nice. I wanted to take him home and raise him up, but Dalton wasn't having it. I guess it would have been a tight squeeze in the back of the car. So now Mom and Dad have a new little friend to take care of.

 Baby calves and ice cream, what a combination

 I know the boys are a sticky mess but what a great shot of summer fun!

     The boys really liked him. Ace went right up and started petting him with one hand while he ate his ice cream cone with the other. Cooper even fed him a little milk. It was all pretty fun, love those little 'country' adventures.

 No ice cream for you, Bones!

 Come on little guy, drink some milk.

 Ace and Gus Gus have a special bond. Ignore the ice cream on his face and shirt please.

Cooper and Uncle Garrett got a bird's eye view from on top of the hay bales

"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'" John 6:35

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