Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Goat Ropin'

    Last weekend we tried something new and fun at our house. We hosted a goat roping and it was so much fun! A couple of months ago Dalton found out that one of our new friends has a goat chute that he used to rope goats on foot. Ever since then Dalton's been obsessed with the idea of having a goat roping here in our corn patch. He got in touch with his friend, who also liked the idea, and the first ever Pitcock hosted Goat Ropin' was on the calendar.
    Dalton called up several of his friends that can rope and invited them and their families out for an afternoon of fun and possible money winnings. We provided burgers for supper and everyone pitched in for the extras.

    We started getting excited the week of the roping and were ready for goats! Popsey brought some goats by and we helped Dalton get them in the pen and settled. Cooper hopped right in the trailer and grabbed the goats by the horns for Dalton. He doesn't have much fear when it comes to goats.

 I turned around for just a minute and then found this…this boy!

 "Where do you want him Dad?"

Practicing rounding them up and moving them out. 

     That evening Bryan (who owns the chute) came by to drop off the chute and get the 'arena' set up. They labored away for a bit and then got to try out their skills on the goats. Cooper had a new best friend in Bryan, because he brought the chute which Cooper was immediately interested in. After the practice round Bryan stayed for supper and Cooper made some interesting conversation (as he always does at the dinner table). He asked him what he'd been doing all afternoon and how he grew so big, etc. It was quite entertaining.
     The next evening we got out there and chased the goats a little and I attempted to throw a loop at a couple. Obviously I need a lot of lessons, and the belly didn't help me any; I didn't do too well. After a few tries Dalton reminded me that I was a month away from giving birth so I'd better stop running around and take it easy. I gave up my rope and just watched after that.

Getting the chute all set up and ready.

View from the top

   Saturday dawned and Dalton was as excited as a little boy, waiting all day for the roping to start. We cleaned up the house and yard, parked a truck strategically by the arena, got our money bag and list ready and set up some chairs. While I was finishing up in the house I looked outside and saw Dalton perched on the back of the truck, looking at the empty arena, while Cooper and Ace lounged in their chairs.

The next generation of goat ropers, Cooper and Robert. 

Dalton attempting to help Cooper with his swing

There he is up a fence again…that boy!

    Finally about 4 the competitors started arriving and the fun began. One family has a 3 and 5 year old and so their kids and ours tried to rope the goats first until the big guys arrived. Cooper wasn't much of a roper but he looked cute holding the rope…Dalton wants to work with him but apparently Cooper isn't very teachable. Dalton told me that looking at me like 'I wonder where he gets that?'

Watching all the grown men herd the goats around was
 just about as entertaining as the roping itself. 

Go Popsey!

The "Money Run" for Dalton and Bryan

    After the kids took a turn the guys started practicing. I was pretty impressed with Dalton's skills, especially since he doesn't get a chance to do much roping. When all the contestants got here the roping officially began. They did a round robin set up with every man putting in a certain amount to enter and then roped with different partners. It went surprisingly fast and there were some pretty good runs and lots of laughter. The wives all watched and visited and the kids played in the yard and sandbox.

Found him in between the feeder and the truck cab, 
Daddy's truck is so much fun.

    We celebrated the end of the first round with a goat scramble for the kids. They had a big time and Cooper got the ribbon. He was pretty happy. By the end of the roping we had about 4 scrambles, all the kids got a ribbon once, which was a relief. It's nice when you don't have any kids left out.

Almost there! 

    At the end of the day there were three ropings total and Dalton got second in one of them. I think they would've had another but everyone was out of money. As the sun set, Dalton and the guys that were left did a couple of tie down runs on the goats. By this time they were doing more laughing than competing. While they tied a few down Mere Mere and Popsey helped cook burgers. Then we all ate inside and visited because it was a little chilly outside. Our kids and the Spencers' kids got a case of the sillies while eating, which was pretty entertaining. They were literally falling out of their chairs.

Attempting a little goat riding 

The tie down portion of the event 

"Fire, Fire!" they yelled as they ran around with sticks 

     Finally everyone headed home, we got the kids in bed and then reflected on the day and how enjoyable it was for everyone. I think we'll have another goat roping in the spring, before we put our corn in the patch!

"But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are now already here…He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls….sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so taht we may serve the living God!" Hebrews 9:11-14

Thursday, October 24, 2013

San Antonio Getaway

    A couple of weekends ago Dalton and I were able to steal away for a couple of days of 'alone time,' aka, a weekend without the kiddos. We'd been planning to do this for a long time (pretty much since we knew that a 3rd was coming). Originally we were going to go to Ft Worth, but after realizing that several big events were going on the weekend we'd picked, we decided to head south.
    That Friday afternoon we loaded up and dropped the kids off in Graham, then took 16 South towards our destination, the Riverwalk and San Antonio. We stayed on 16 for a while then cut over to 281 so we could stop at Marble Falls for some grub. We ate at the Chilis on the water and enjoyed the peaceful setting, even though we kept noticing all of the tables with kids, and thinking what ours would be doing if they were there.
    After eating we got back on the road and kept driving and driving. It's a long ways down south, especially when you don't leave until late afternoon. Garrett texted me to see how we were doing and when I told him where we were he responded "Are you driving a moped?" which immediately sent me into instant giggles. Not only because we were having the same feeling, but because of the picture in my mind of us on a moped. We've had one moped experience, Dalton and I, on our honeymoon. The renter almost didn't let us rent it because he didn't think we could handle it…in our defense the 'practice area' was on a slope in a parking lot. The guy told us that he figured between the two of us we could make one decent driver. For the record, Dalton never had one bit of trouble managing the moped, once we got on the open road. So that perked us up a bit for the remainder of the drive.
   We arrived at our destination, not exactly on the riverwalk, but on the river, and checked in. We thought about calling it a night since it was already 11, but decided to drive the few blocks to see the Riverwalk area and Alamo at night. When we got close I got a little nervous. It was hopping with people…all kinds, and the party scene seemed to be in full swing. I opted to leave my window rolled up to keep the thudding of rap music from invading the car as we drove around the crowded streets attempting to get our bearings. Dalton offered to park so we could get out and walk but I told him we could wait until the morning. We did get the lay of the land and a feel for San Antonio night life.

On the trolley 

    The next morning we headed downstairs, bought a couple of trolley tickets for the day and waited on our ride. Monte had told Dalton we must eat at Mi Tierra for breakfast (that was the restaurant mentioned to us by all who we told we were going to San Antonio). We bumped along on the 'trolley' until we arrived at our destination, the very big and brightly decorated Mi Tierra. We ordered and thoroughly enjoyed our breakfast, then bought a couple of pastries on our way out at their bakery.

The bakery had quite a selection

    After a stroll through the market area there we headed back to the main Riverwalk and did our tour of the Alamo, with a crowd. By the time we finished there it was pretty hot so we tootled on over to the mall and watched an Alamo documentary at the Imax theater, while enjoying a much needed Dr. Pepper. It was amazing to watch the story of the Alamo, even though I've heard it many times. Sad to think that those men went into the battle knowing they would die, what a sacrifice.

     By this time it was early afternoon and we decided to tackle the Riverwalk. We opted to take a sightseeing river taxi with a tour guide to save us from walking the entire way around. Once we boarded our boat we quickly realized we'd gotten the corniest and maybe least educational guide available. I couldn't help but giggle the whole time because of the corny jokes, partly out of pity and partly because this is so typical of our kinds of experiences. While touring around listening to Alfred make jokes about fruit trees and Macarena dancing we spotted a gift shop that looked like it might have something to offer. So after we disembarked we headed that way….then kept heading and turning and sweating (it was hot) and walking and finally after walking just about the entire Riverwalk (ironic), found our little shop. We didn't buy anything there but did find some popping cork rifles for the boys and some much needed ice cream for us a few doors down.
    After the ice cream I knew it was time to recuperate because my foot was looking a little big and I was having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, so we managed to make it up one flight of stairs and catch a trolley back to the room. We spent the next hour or so resting and enjoying the TV (we don't have satellite at home anymore).


Dalt had to have his picture taken in front of this picture from one of his favorite movies..
Rio Bravo

     Then it was back to Mi Tierra for supper, and we were ready to eat by the time we got there, since we'd skipped lunch. I ordered Chalupas and Dalton got fajitas. Both were very very good. Well I thought mine was good until I tasted his; the beef and chicken were the most tender I've ever tasted…yum. We let the mariachi band sing us a tune, paid them and then regretted it because for the next 30 minutes two bands played for the two tables closest to us, over and over, so we could have enjoyed the music for free. Oh well, part of the experience.

Our mariachi band (the one in the background was a little more in tune) 


     Once we'd had our fill we headed to the racetrack to meet Garrett and enjoy some thoroughbred racing action. It was so much fun! Unlike Lonestar Park, which is huge, fancy and very crowded, this track is more laid back, smaller, and didn't have a crowd at all. We placed bets, watched our horses win and lose and worked off our supper by walking back and forth from the paddock to the rail. Somehow I still can't bet without looking at the horses. Finally the races started to get delayed so we headed back for a good night's sleep.

    The next morning, after eating at Mi Tierra (just kidding!!), we headed back up 35 in the rain. We stopped in New Braunfels to see Garrett's work in progress, and were very impressed. His house is coming along great and he's done a great job with everything.
     Our final treat was a stop at Hard 8 BBQ in Stephenville for a late lunch (delicious) and then a visit to HEB for a few necessities.
    We got home just a minute before Mere Mere arrived to drop the boys off. They were tired and a bit grumpy but we were glad to see them. When we gave them their pop guns they took off around the house pumping and popping; it was a pretty funny sight.
     We're going on two weeks since that getaway and I must say I think it did a world of good for Dalton and I. We were able to recharge, miss the boys and come home with a renewed patience and joy. God is so generous to give us what we need and I'm thankful that we are able to take time like this, even if it is a rare occurrence. The verse below has been on my heart a lot lately. When I'm tempted to get overwhelmed or lose my patience over circumstances, present or future, God reminds me that He has always been good to me and will always be. To rest in Him is the greatest rest of all.

"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7

Monday, October 7, 2013

It's Getting a Little Western

     It's calving time and we've been taking advantage of the opportunities to go with Daddy and see the baby calves. He has to tag all the registered babies, so he gets to get up close and personal with them. Cooper has gone with him a lot more, and he usually comes home with stories to tell about the tagging. One time a momma ran right by the truck where he was sitting and it scared him. Another time he was on the ground with Daddy beside the calf and the momma shook her head and bawled at them…scared him pretty good. But he's always ready to go back for more, which is a good sign. 

 Now that I've started leading Bible study again, the boys and Dalton get a weekly dose of 'guy time' on Monday nights. One Monday the boys got to make a few rounds on the tractor with Daddy so I could go to Bible study. They enjoyed that.

     Dalton keeps making fun of me as we ride around checking the cows. Since I'm due during the 'season' I feel a little more for the cows. One time we saw one off by herself, obviously getting close and I said "You go girl!" as we drove off, kinda jokingly. Dalton laughed and shook his head. "You really feel connected to these cows since you're gonna 'calve' soon too, don't you?" Guess I kinda do.

 Saturday morning work, moving heifers and their calves, after working them.

 Cooper trying to rope a calf.

 Trying to make friends while Daddy and Cooper rode around on Dandy. 
The cows weren't brave enough to get the treat from Ace.

 Helping Daddy…actually just getting brave enough to go up there and touch the calf.

     Calves in distress make Cooper nervous. He's a big talker in the truck ("I'm gonna grab that calf and tag it") but once he's out there where there's a momma cow around he sticks close to Daddy or the truck.

Wrapping the tape around to get the weight 

Tagging his ear

     Both the boys have taken to practicing tagging when they get home. They tag each other, but mostly they tag Boots the cat. Poor cat, he puts up with a lot, included repeated attempts by Cooper to tag him, brand him, weigh him and give him a shot (all the things Daddy does to a calf when he works them). Other times the boys want me to practice tagging them, so they run up to me 'mooing' and then I pinch their ear to 'tag' them. Then they run away. 

 We went with Daddy to fix fence; I would say we helped but we weren't much help. 
We wandered around, climbed a hill, poked things with sticks and handed Dalton tools. It sure beat hanging out at the house though.

At one point I looked up and couldn't find Cooper. 
I panicked a little and called out, then finally spotted him in the grass.
Can you? 

     Last Saturday was a memorial ranch rodeo in Graham. We were excited to go, especially since there was a mutton bustin' for Cooper to enter. The rodeo was really good too, but Dalton didn't enjoy it as much because he wanted to be entered up, I couldn't blame him.

Ranch Rodeo fun. Waiting for his turn to ride in the stick horse race, the warm up for Mutton Bustin' 

 He won 3rd in the stick horse race!! 
His first trophy, so proud. Well, once he figured out what a trophy was he was proud. 
He did really good in the Mutton Bustin' too, but I videoed so no pictures. 
He didn't win but rode quite a ways and was smiling when he got up…success. 

 Helping get all the cows and calves to the barn at "Popsey's Ranch," the Pitzer. 
Cooper was excited to climb on the top of the truck and admire the view.

Of course it didn't take little britches long to attempt the same feat. 

Almost there! 

 Cooper telling Daddy that Ace was trying to climb. 
We put him on the top for a minute, then it was back to safe ground.

Always happy to be on a ride with Daddy;
makes it more fun for him and Dalton that he can sit on his own horse now.

"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7