Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Goat Ropin'

    Last weekend we tried something new and fun at our house. We hosted a goat roping and it was so much fun! A couple of months ago Dalton found out that one of our new friends has a goat chute that he used to rope goats on foot. Ever since then Dalton's been obsessed with the idea of having a goat roping here in our corn patch. He got in touch with his friend, who also liked the idea, and the first ever Pitcock hosted Goat Ropin' was on the calendar.
    Dalton called up several of his friends that can rope and invited them and their families out for an afternoon of fun and possible money winnings. We provided burgers for supper and everyone pitched in for the extras.

    We started getting excited the week of the roping and were ready for goats! Popsey brought some goats by and we helped Dalton get them in the pen and settled. Cooper hopped right in the trailer and grabbed the goats by the horns for Dalton. He doesn't have much fear when it comes to goats.

 I turned around for just a minute and then found this…this boy!

 "Where do you want him Dad?"

Practicing rounding them up and moving them out. 

     That evening Bryan (who owns the chute) came by to drop off the chute and get the 'arena' set up. They labored away for a bit and then got to try out their skills on the goats. Cooper had a new best friend in Bryan, because he brought the chute which Cooper was immediately interested in. After the practice round Bryan stayed for supper and Cooper made some interesting conversation (as he always does at the dinner table). He asked him what he'd been doing all afternoon and how he grew so big, etc. It was quite entertaining.
     The next evening we got out there and chased the goats a little and I attempted to throw a loop at a couple. Obviously I need a lot of lessons, and the belly didn't help me any; I didn't do too well. After a few tries Dalton reminded me that I was a month away from giving birth so I'd better stop running around and take it easy. I gave up my rope and just watched after that.

Getting the chute all set up and ready.

View from the top

   Saturday dawned and Dalton was as excited as a little boy, waiting all day for the roping to start. We cleaned up the house and yard, parked a truck strategically by the arena, got our money bag and list ready and set up some chairs. While I was finishing up in the house I looked outside and saw Dalton perched on the back of the truck, looking at the empty arena, while Cooper and Ace lounged in their chairs.

The next generation of goat ropers, Cooper and Robert. 

Dalton attempting to help Cooper with his swing

There he is up a fence again…that boy!

    Finally about 4 the competitors started arriving and the fun began. One family has a 3 and 5 year old and so their kids and ours tried to rope the goats first until the big guys arrived. Cooper wasn't much of a roper but he looked cute holding the rope…Dalton wants to work with him but apparently Cooper isn't very teachable. Dalton told me that looking at me like 'I wonder where he gets that?'

Watching all the grown men herd the goats around was
 just about as entertaining as the roping itself. 

Go Popsey!

The "Money Run" for Dalton and Bryan

    After the kids took a turn the guys started practicing. I was pretty impressed with Dalton's skills, especially since he doesn't get a chance to do much roping. When all the contestants got here the roping officially began. They did a round robin set up with every man putting in a certain amount to enter and then roped with different partners. It went surprisingly fast and there were some pretty good runs and lots of laughter. The wives all watched and visited and the kids played in the yard and sandbox.

Found him in between the feeder and the truck cab, 
Daddy's truck is so much fun.

    We celebrated the end of the first round with a goat scramble for the kids. They had a big time and Cooper got the ribbon. He was pretty happy. By the end of the roping we had about 4 scrambles, all the kids got a ribbon once, which was a relief. It's nice when you don't have any kids left out.

Almost there! 

    At the end of the day there were three ropings total and Dalton got second in one of them. I think they would've had another but everyone was out of money. As the sun set, Dalton and the guys that were left did a couple of tie down runs on the goats. By this time they were doing more laughing than competing. While they tied a few down Mere Mere and Popsey helped cook burgers. Then we all ate inside and visited because it was a little chilly outside. Our kids and the Spencers' kids got a case of the sillies while eating, which was pretty entertaining. They were literally falling out of their chairs.

Attempting a little goat riding 

The tie down portion of the event 

"Fire, Fire!" they yelled as they ran around with sticks 

     Finally everyone headed home, we got the kids in bed and then reflected on the day and how enjoyable it was for everyone. I think we'll have another goat roping in the spring, before we put our corn in the patch!

"But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that are now already here…He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls….sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so taht we may serve the living God!" Hebrews 9:11-14

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