Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Move… Part 1: Discovery and Remodel

     I should have written this post long ago but have just been too busy enjoying our new home to do so! We moved 3 months ago and have not looked back once. Of course we loved our years with the Echols but it was time for a change and the Lord provided one through Dalton's dad and some land with a house provided.
     We'd been looking for a place to move closer to town (although something affordable was hard to find) and Dalton and his dad had been looking for land to lease so that they could partner in on cattle of their own. It all came together in a piece of land that would serve both purposes…..and all within a week. Dalton's dad called us one evening saying that he'd heard of a property with a house on it and wanted us to go take a look. We went to look the next day and were amazed at what we found….the house was very workable, the land was beautiful and the extras were going to be very useful. We left that day excited and nervous, hoping that it would work out.

The Front of the house

Back of the house and the back porch

Future arena site and view of the barns from the back yard

    Dalton's dad went to look a few days later and put in an offer, which was accepted. After that (which was in January) we started work on remodeling it. We overhauled a bathroom and converted the laundry room into an office/schoolroom. We moved the washer/dryer into the mudroom and painted every room in the house (or actually hired someone to paint). Dalton learned a lot about handy work and remodeling and we were very glad to have carpenters in the family to help with some of the work!

The living room

Kitchen and Dining room

Master bedroom


Hall bathroom that we remodeled 
Dalton put new flooring in the bathroom himself

Tucker's room

Boys' bathroom

Cooper and Ace's room

Bedroom hall

Office and schoolroom combo

When we removed all the old paneling in the washroom we found this old wood. 
After drywalling and having it textured and painted it was transformed!

     This post has some before and after pictures of the house and the work we did. The next post will cover the move (which was a bit comical) and our first few days here. Once I finish those maybe I can finally get back to posting regularly about our goings on around here. Seems like we've been doing lots of 'horsey' things and that's been fun. As well as getting to enjoy life closer to town and the perks that come with that.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." Psalm 127:1

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine (Jesus) and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:24-25

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