Thursday, January 8, 2015

Adventures on Cinnamon Roll Day

     This was  our 3rd year to make cinnamon rolls and deliver them to our friends around town. It's been a joy for me to make them and a joy for the boys to deliver. They enjoy this more than trick or treating I'm pretty sure, which is a good thing!!!
     Cinnamon roll day dawned and I wasn't sure if we were going to make it. It was Thursday, Cooper's last day of school and I had decided to make his teachers cinnamon rolls as a teacher gift. Unfortunately I waited until the day of….I like them fresh….so I was up early getting them ready.While they were rising I took Cooper to school and then came back to finish before his program at 11. Between the rolls, the kids and trying to get ready (I was attending his program so I didn't need to be a flour covered yoga pant mess) it was down to the wire! My first batch out of the oven were a little overdone, yikes! But thankfully the next batch was just right so I poured on the icing, loaded up Ace (Tucker stayed with Dalton) and drove to town, looking not as much of a mess.

You can see the mess behind Cooper and we did 8 of the logs in front of Ace!

Little man decided to lick the leftover cinnamon/sugar/butter off of the counter while I was busy loading pans. I turned around and had to snap a picture. Don't worry, no cinnamon rolls were placed on the counter after he licked! 

The program was super cute, we got to hear him sing songs and then loaded up all of his Christmas crafts to take home. He even had a present for me that he'd made and he was super excited about that. We wrapped up the rolls and handed them out to the teachers, grabbed lunch and headed home. 
    Once we got home I decided that since the kitchen was already a mess I'd go ahead and deem this Cinnamon Roll Day, so I made more batches while the kiddos slept and got into a rhythm. I wound up making 4 of PW's batches, which equals 8 logs, which equals 20+ pans! Each year we grow. Finally about 5 Dalton helped me wrap them up and we loaded the car with all of our rolls and excited boys! Tucker didn't nap well that afternoon so he went straight to sleep in the car - yay! 

    We texted a few people that we hadn't visited before to see if we could drop them off and then started making the rounds. Unfortunately several of our usuals weren't home so we probably made a couple more rounds than originally planned.
    When we pulled up to Nana's the boys eagerly hopped out with their pan and rang the doorbell and knocked and waited. Nothing. Then we went to Aunt Ellen and Uncle Charles's. Same routine, except this time Cooper had to hand off the cinnamon rolls to Ace so he could climb to reach the doorbell. It was really comical watching them from the car. Hoping they didn't drop the pan on the way to the door, watching them knock and peek in the window and telling them to "knock louder!" from the car.

Getting to the doorbell and waiting patiently, well….they did peek in windows.

    The UPS man showed up at the Morris's while we were still there, a treat for the boys! They watched him in awe as he brought the package to the door and went back to his truck. Dalton said something about him being their hero and he looked at us a little weird….hope he didn't think we were being funny, he really is one of their favorite people! Finally we abandoned that house too.

    Thankfully the next few stops were a success and the boys got into a groove. They'd bounce around in the backseat until we stopped, then Cooper would take charge and order his little elf around.
"Ace, get a pan. Come on!" Cooper ordered. "Ok" said Ace in his squeaky voice as he shuffled around the back getting a pan. Then he had to maneuver his short little legs out of the car, while holding the pan, and run in his little waddling way to catch up to Cooper, who'd gotten tired of waiting and took off. It was hilarious! Then they'd hand off the rolls, say "Merry Christmas, here are some cinnamon rolls for you!" and run back to the car giggling.

    We made several stops then went to Taco Casa for a cheap burrito dinner and sweet tea. We all ate in the car and then made a few more deliveries. Circling back to the Morris's for a second time we were starting to look like stalkers, lurking in the street. The kids ran up there and waited again and as they were turning to go back to the car the porch light came on. So they wheeled back around, but no one came. Finally we coaxed them back to the car.
    Boss man Cooper had also made sure to tell us to "stay in the car" when they delivered. Didn't want Mom and Dad cramping their style I guess.
    The next night Dalton took the older boys and made a couple Loving deliveries and then we declared Cinnamon Roll Day(s) a success.

   Oh what a fun night of delivering it was!! I love seeing their little faces filled with joy giving to other people without expecting anything in return. I pray that we can grow this attitude all year round!!

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

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