Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Our winter visit with the relatives

    The kids and I usually head to my parents' house once a season or so for about a week to visit them and our family down that way. It lets us have more than just a couple days to visit and enjoy family, and it gives Dalton a week without the craziness, to catch up on things and get a full night's sleep.
     Winter is a good time to go a-visiting because it's cold, dreary and boring at home and GG and Papa have a fireplace so there's a good atmosphere….not to mention the extra help on those long winter days. So we headed down in January (yes, I'm late on my post yet again). It was a super fun visit and the weather cooperated nicely so we were able to play outside a lot!


Enjoying the view from the top. These boys like making music.

"Papa, are you gonna give me another bite or am I gonna have to come and get it?' 
Standoff over a snack.

Cooper and I did our exercises one morning.

Defend the castle!!! Protect the baby!!! I was the bad guy and these guys protected Tucker from being taken. One time I did succeed in a capture, but he was too heavy to carry back to my castle 
so I gave him back. 

Checking cows with Papa. I took my turn at stroller pushing duty.

HIghlights of the trip for these guys….a visit to Tractor Supply (Cooper's face says it all) and a trip to the dump where Cooper said he saw "the biggest bulldozer you've ever seen!" 

Cousin time! The Franks came over to visit one evening.

Playing with Tucker's new toy and Paw Patrol game.

     We went  to Grandma and PawPaw's house too…. but that's another post…. and when we got back to Mom and Dad's we enjoyed another beautiful day or two, then Dalton came to pick me up for a wedding and we left the kiddos with them for the weekend. We attended a friend's wedding in Bastrop at a beautiful resort called Hyatt Lost Pines. The rehearsal was wonderful and it was great to visit with the bride and groom and their family. We sat with quite a diverse and fun group, including the bride and groom, and enjoyed lots of laughter, stories, delicious food and beverage. Then we headed to Garrett and Amy's new home, about an hour away, to stay the night with them. I thought I took pictures but I guess I deleted them (Garrett said he wanted Mom and Dad to come see in person. ; )
     Unfortunately when we arrived they began telling me about the ghost that lives with them and the funny noises that they hear and that they think she died in the room we were going to sleep in. As you may or may not know, I have a very very very active imagination that can disturb me to no end. So that night I was very anxious by the time we went to bed. To make matters worse, there was no fan or noise of any kind, so I could hear any little noise. (At home we sleep with a fan, radio or something on at all times….partly due to my imagination.) I smushed myself as close to Dalton as possible, covered every part of my body with the cover that I could, leaving an airhole for my mouth, and then attempted to sleep. I couldn't relax….so I plugged my ears with my fingers, which really is not a great position to try and fall asleep in. I managed to fall in and out of sleep all night, attempting to unplug my ears for a bit, then going back to it. Needless to say it was not a good night for me. I woke up less than refreshed and with an earache because of all the plugging. The others laughed at me and I laughed at myself… was so silly but I will tell you fear is a funny and awful thing. There is a song that says, there's no thief like fear…..and it's right!
      We got a tour of their house and the acreage it sits on. It's a great place for them to start out on, and I'm so happy for them. Especially Garrett, who was so tired of living in a small house in a subdivision in New Braunfels. We ate breakfast with Amy, Garrett and Nana, then went browsing a little and said goodbye to them, so happy that we'd stopped by and stayed the night. As we were getting in, Garrett said he saw the ghost (I can't remember her name now) get in too, so I politely opened the back door to let her out again (just in case.)

While we were getting all dressed up, the boys were enjoying relaxed luxury with donuts for breakfast.

     The entire day was dreary and cold and when we got back to the hotel we found out that the wedding and reception were outdoors. We got dressed and headed down. It was a lovely ceremony (even though we got rained on the last half) and the reception was very fun. We were so thankful that we were able to come be a part of celebrating their big day!

    Sunday we got up and headed back north. We met Mom and Dad for a hamburger and kid exchange, then headed home.
Tucker made a friend at the restaurant. All packed in for the ride home!

   "The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The Sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore." Psalm 121:5-8

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