Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picking up a Bull

     Last week Cooper and I tagged along with Dalton while he picked up a bull from a pasture of cows. I realized last week that after the baby is born (less than two weeks now) Cooper and I won't be able to get out with Daddy very much, so we should take all the opportunities we can now. Of course, I had to explain this to Dalton so that we'd get an invite to tag along. : )
     They leave the bulls in with the cows for about 3 months to get their business done, then pick them up and put them all back in one big pasture until the next time they're needed. Dalt had picked up all but one bull and Cooper and I got ready in time to ride with him for that one. He was also using Dandy that day, another reason we wanted to tag along. It's always more fun with a horse.

     It was SO windy that day, and chilly, so Cooper and I stayed in the truck for the most part. (After the work was done we got out and petted Dandy, then blew back into the pickup.) As we drove up to the big green field in Caddo we spotted the bull all alone in the middle of the field...such a snob. We parked at the pen, Dalton hopped on Dandy and we watched him gallop away to herd the bull to us. It was all going great until the bull got cantankerous and started to try and escape. He wound up jumping into a nearby tank and swimming across to get away from Dalton and to the cows. Dalton said that he looked like a big hippo swimming across. Wish I could have seen it.

     Then Dalt came back and ran the siren for a while trying to get them to come back (once they see a horse they are mighty weary of the old feed truck). After no luck, he got back on Dandy and headed out of sight to bring the cows to us. Cooper and I waited patiently...for the most part. We found some raisins so Cooper had a good snack, and we kept watching for Daddy. Finally all the cows came out of the trees , followed by Dalton. The bull was close, but not close enough. I thought maybe Coop and I could help out by pouring some cubes in the pen, but when I got out I was instructed to get back in the truck...and promptly did so.
     Then all the cows went back out of sight and I thought hope was lost. Until...dun duna...out comes the bull and Dalton. he herded him through some trees and into the pen. Yeah!!

 He wasn't the friendliest bull

Luckily we have a brave cowboy to load the bull

     After that we got out and rewarded Dandy with a couple of cubes. Then Cooper rode Dandy back to the trailer he had to share with a very unhappy bull.

 "Don't eat my hand Dandy, just the cube!"

"Let's Ride!"

    It was a pretty fun outing, and I think Cooper and Dalton can't wait until Coop's old enough to ride along horseback to help with the work.

"Do everything without grumbling or arguing." Philippians 2:14

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