Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wet, Busy Weekend

     This past weekend we had visitors, a wedding, a baby shower and lots of rain. Mom and Dad decided to come visit... one last relaxing visit before #2 comes along. I was pretty excited because I still hadn't put up any frames or anything on the walls of the boys' rooms, and help was much appreciated. It started looking like rain Thursday, rained a little Friday and then really started raining on Saturday, when Mom and Dad came.
     They got here around 11:00 (a record for them) and we enjoyed a good visit all afternoon. They even brought gifts..a dog lovey for the baby, matching shrits for baby and Cooper that said Little Brother and Big Brother, and a cute little sign to hang in the baby's room. All things that we needed!

Blanket and Pillow made with love by my Grandma, so cute!! Puppy lovey from Mom and Dad

     Cooper showed off his toys and bed and acted super-macho at first. He was so funny. Then he settled in and started acting somewhat normal. GG put him down for his nap, and while he napped we painted a couple of canvases for his room to decorate. I also tried out a new recipe ... frozen hot chocolate ... and it was delicious. It was comical watching us all drink it b/c nothing was said and the only straws I had were a little too narrow, so we did a lot of sucking without much return. In the end we managed to get it all down; chocolate fix obtained.
     When Cooper woke up we heard him in his room saying "GG, GG," which made Mom's day. : ) After a little more visiting Dalton and I got ready and headed to a wedding in the rain. I was a little hesitant to leave my warm house and head out into the rain, but it turned out great. The wedding was nice and the reception was fun...decorated so cute too! Dalton got to visit with a lot of guys that he hadn't seen in a while, which is nice for him. They had a band and Dalton and I even danced to one song before we left. I had to be the one to ask him to dance...I think he was a little embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor with such a pregnant dance partner. I was glad we danced though. When we got home I saw that Mom had hung pictures on the walls for me in baby's room...she's my decoration fairy! We were just hanging out and then it hit me...time changes tonight! So we moved all the clocks ahead and scrambled off to bed.

 Finished product..well except for gluing a little train on the middle canvas. 

I did this all by's nice to know I can be a little crafty when needed

     The next morning we all went to church together and had lunch at Clayton's BBQ with Dalton's mom. We were inside the restaurant about to be seated when Cooper started pointing and getting all excited. I was a little confused at first but then realized he'd seen Mere Mere pull up in the parking lot. He may not be able to say Mere Mere yet but he sure is excited to see her. : )
     After lunch, the boys headed to the house and the girls headed to my church baby shower. It was really sweet and I got a few new outfits for the baby, a couple of cool gadgets and lots of diapers. Now we're ready (right?) for the little guy to arrive! It was so nice having Mom and Mere Mere there too to share in the fun.
     Mom and Dad headed home about 5...I really appreciate them staying so long to visit; it meant a lot. Then I rested while Coop and Dalt did some bonding and we enjoyed our first evening of more daylight together.
     Baby Update: Waiting patiently for him to arrive, though it's beginning to look like he'll be late. I'm going to start walking daily to help things along, but we'll see what happens. It's all in God's hands and His timing, so I know it will all work out just as it should. At least the nursery is finished now, so we have a place to put the little guy! And as far as a name goes, we have some ideas but no decision. We'll just wait and see what pops in our heads when we see him.

** If you are wondering why there are no people pictures it's because we had so much fun visiting that we didn't even have time to say cheese.

"Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him." Psalm 2:12

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