Thursday, February 28, 2013

Camping Practice

     Last weekend we took the tent for a test run in the backyard. But before that fun began we had to get our business finished. 

Dalton got the tiller running so he and Cooper did some garden prep. 
I told Dalton we're looking more like farmers than ranchers these days with our chicks and garden.

     Then it was time to haul a few pigs into town. I have to say that I enjoy those trips; not because of the pigs, but because it's fun to load up in the truck and ride with Daddy. Then we usually get a hamburger (or corn dog in Cooper's case) and eat it on the way home…after a milk run at United. There's just something sweet about family trips like that. 

     On the way back from selling pigs, we spotted a couple of baby goats at Popsey's so we pulled in to pet them. Cooper was more interested in this guy though. 

    Then we petted the cute little black kid. He wasn't too thrilled to be held, and Cooper wasn't too thrilled to hear him making all that racket calling him momma, but he still held him for a little while.

    While the boys and I napped, Dalton set up the tent. Cooper was pretty excited when he woke up to a tent in the yard! He quickly got dressed and everyone went out to check the tent.

This is so neat!

Can we camp tonight please please!!

Notice Dalton's expression: What have I gotten myself into?

     Dalton was really funny. He worked really hard to keep the boys from dragging leaves into the tent but they didn't cooperate. And he was just as excited as the boys I think. He wanted me to bring out pillows, blankets and then the sleeping bags.

What a trio!

     We were going to cook steaks, but the grill wasn't cooperating with the cold, so scrambled egg sandwiches were the next best thing. While the boys played with flashlights in the tent I got it all ready and we ate in the tent. 

     It was a little crazy with no table and Ace shuffling around grabbing things, but we got it all down without much incident.

     Quote of the night: I was taking pictures and trying to get the boys and Dalton to pose and Dalton said "Gabby this isn't even real live camping!" I couldn't help but giggle.

     Finally it was time for the decision to be made. Cooper was really excited to sleep all night in the tent and Dalton agreed, assuming that they'd last a few hours and then come in.

Yeah, camping!!

Ace and I got in a quick snuggle before we all put on our PJs. 

     Cooper changed into his PJs as fast as he could and Dalton put his layers on as slow as he could. He was smirking and looking a little unsure at the same time. I kept giggling at thinking of them in the backyard camping. 
     Dalton said that when they got to the tent he was trying to talk to Cooper and read him books, but Cooper just laid there for a minute then went straight to sleep! I was inside putting Ace to bed and enjoying my free time to clean the house when I got a text from Dalton that said "Cooper's asleep, guess I'm staying out here." Another giggle picturing Dalton awake in the tent, on un-level ground, with no cushion but a sleeping bag (sounds like real live camping to me). 
     I had to sneak out and take a picture. Don't let it fool you though, Dalt's awake, he just didn't want to pose for the picture. 
     So how long did they last in the tent? Until 7 am!!! Wow! Cooper wasn't joking about camping all night.

     Now we are all excited to do some 'real live camping' in the spring!

"But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in our transgressions -- it is by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5

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