Friday, April 26, 2013

Children's Museum

   Last week we took a Play group trip to Fort Worth to visit the Children's Museum/Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. I was super excited because I love field trips, and was ready to see what the museum had to offer.

   It was a lot of fun! In the actual Children's Museum area there was a grocery mart, reptiles, a medical area, train tracks and other fun things. I bet you can guess which was Cooper's favorite. But just in case you didn't know….

 Selecting his items

His favorite spot was behind the cash register.

 Reaching for the bagel

 "I want to touch the turtle!!"

"That will be $5 please."

   Then we moved on to the dinosaur exhibit. They had a dinosaur skeleton, interactive learning stations, including a computer with touch pad where you can put a skeleton puzzle together. Cooper really liked that.

Cooper and his good buddy Lucas, in the footprint

    After that we moved on to the invention area. The kids got to see a 'tornado', make paper airplanes and see if they could fly (mine didn't…I've never had that talent), and play with shadows.

Ace really enjoyed pulling out the pegs and putting them back in

     There were also some students showing off their robot creations, to which Cooper was immediately drawn. He sat beside one student while he watched him control his robot car. Then he listened to the teacher while she explained how another robot worked. I think I have a little engineer on my hands. He loves to see how things work and how things are made, and anything mechanical is right up his alley!

He was a little disappointed when, after listening politely, he couldn't touch the robot.

     It was a great experience and we are for sure going back again. We didn't get to see the Planetarium show that I wanted to, but next time!

Tired museum goers!

     After our exploring we were hungry so we all headed over to Chic Fil A for a group lunch. It was crazy with 5 mommas and 9 kids, but we had fun and were re-charged. Then I managed to get a couple of errands run before we headed home. Ace was so tired he fell asleep and slept laying in the top part of a Target shopping cart the entire time we were in the store. I would have taken a picture but he was laying on my purse.

      To top the day off, Cooper had no accidents and both boys slept the entire ride home, including me stopping for gas in Mineral Wells! You can't have a better trip than that!! I can't wait until the next field trip.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Simple Life is Calling My Name

      I'm tired of this 2013 fast paced, brand driven, social media obsessed, technology overloaded, anti Christian culture. Yes, I said it. I'm tired of all the hype and trying to keep up with everyone around me and make sure I'm in style…oh wait, I've never been in style so scratch that, and trying to make sure I'm in touch with the latest activity to benefit my kids, and keeping up with everyone on Facebook and constantly being disgusted by what's on TV, even the commercials. It's just all become too overwhelming and I think I'm missing out on the real business of life. Simply living and living simply.

     There's been a tug at my heart and mind lately, bringing me back to my roots and the way I grew up and I have an intense desire to get back to basics and leave all of this other stuff behind. I really believe we've let ourselves progress beyond what's healthy for us and our relationships with the Lord and others and I don't want to get caught up in all of the advancement and miss out on the true good life God has in store for me.

"Make it your ambition to  lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you." 1 Thessalonians 4:11

     So what are the basics, the roots I'm talking about? Well, I've been pondering that myself lately too. I consider my childhood the best ever…biased I know. It was filled with so much joy, love, animals, outdoors, God, learning, fun, imagination, and work. We spent as much time as possible outside each day that we could, we worked as a family to create a 'home place', lived in imaginary land without much TV, wore hand-me-downs, garage sale clothes or home made clothes, and didn't have a clue what was in style. God was a part of every experience we had, and church was the most fun outing we had..choir practice on Wednesdays and church on Sundays. And we had many pets, horses, chickens and cows that taught us responsibility and were our friends when we didn't have many others. As I write this it sounds like we were a little pathetic, but that's the point I think. That simple life we had helped us to not expect everything in life and to be content with what we had.

    I've been increasingly blessed as I've grown and yet I've also become more aware of what's out there, what people have, what's in style and it's toxic. It creates discontent, confusion, competition and a desire for more than God wants us to desire. And I've already seen how easy it is to give my kids everything they want and to want them to have the best version of a product instead of one that is good enough.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:19-21

    I don't want my kids to know what's stylish because I don't want them to desire those things. I want them to be content with the average and realize that spending more on items because they bear a certain name is foolish in the Kingdom we are striving to live for. Because of the way I was raised I have a sort of inner alarm that goes off when I see a shirt over a certain price, or see what people are asking for a purse or shoes or anything that's 'in style.' Though sometimes it makes it hard to walk that line between good deal and quality shopping, I'm thankful to have that inner check so that I don't get caught up in the  lie of shopping for name instead of need. And I know that in this culture it's going to be so easy for my kids to buy into the 'name' is important lie, if I don't protect them from that, teach them the value of thrifty living and teach them what God says about material things in the Bible. That's one of the basics that I want to get back to…simple contentment with having clothes and basic needs.

"But godliness with contentment is great gain…But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:6,8

     Another basic I want to get back to is enjoying the nature God has given us and not getting caught up in feeling like I need to do all the activities I can with my kids or go too many places with them. Of course it's fun to go on outings…we went to a children's museum yesterday and it was amazing. But I don't want those days to be the only highlights of my kids' childhoods. I want them to remember and relish the moments when we planted veggies, rode the horses, played in the dirt, found caterpillars, built things out of sticks and so much more. If I focus on going and doing too much I'll create in them a desire to constantly be on the move and lessen their appreciation for the good things God's given them here at home. I so admire my aunt who has two kids and homeschools them. I admire her because her kids are so content and happy and seem to always be enjoying the simple things around the house. She has been on my brain a lot lately because she is such an example of being content where you are and loving what God has given you. I want to raise kids who are grounded and love their 'country' life because it offers all they need.

"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them'." Psalm 126:2

     Hard work is another basic that I want to get back to in my own life. I want to be an example for my kids of how to work hard for things in life and to be proud of what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it. I want them not to be afraid to work and to be ready to enjoy the result when they put their mind to something. I think my parents instilled this into my brother and I without even realizing it, and I'm so thankful for that. There were always jobs to be done around the house, projects that were going on and work to share in. We did everything from picking up sticks to driving the hay truck, taking care of animals, and much more. And we did it all without realizing that Mom and Dad could have not had us help. So I want to be more diligent to work here more, in the garden, helping Dalton with whatever he needs, having my own projects to accomplish. I've morphed into a somewhat lazy person when it comes to outside work and I'm ashamed of that. I really want to shed the inside lifestyle that's so easy to take part and live in and get back to the basics.

"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 26-27

     And a daily prayer for my family is to get back to the basics of not living for this kingdom and not trying to make it rich in life. Oh, this is such a hard one. Not necessarily wanting to be wealthy, but just wanting to have 'a nice place,' so to speak. This is another area where I've been thinking of my aunt lately. They have always been the type of family who is content where ever they are and who make the most of what God's given them at that time. I want this attitude because when you are content where ever you are, then usually it blooms into just the place you wanted to be. I'm not giving up on having our own place to work at and develop soon, but I want to live in contentment here while I'm waiting. And when the time comes that we do get some land, I want to work with Dalton and the kids to make it our own. I'm confident that the more you work together to make a home, the better home it is.

     God has really been putting this idea onto my heart, being content and not desiring riches, or really desiring comfort now and in the future. Not only is anti-materialsim and worldly treasure EVERYWHERE in the Bible (unfortunately so we can't avoid it), but it's also been in books, sermons and thoughts I've had. I think our culture, our own sinful natures and even our friends/family can validate our desire for riches and that's so dangerous. I want to be rooted in the Kingdom so I won't be swayed to those desires. Oh, how I pray for this in my life.

      To this end I have to share that God has been so faithful in Dalton and my life. We always have just what we need and when we are at the end of our rope somehow God blesses us in a way that's totally unexpected and just what we need. Never more than we need though and I think it's because God knows our hearts and He knows that we are striving not to desire riches here. He knows that in my sinful heart I'll take all I can get so he protects us by giving us what we need. And I'm grateful. We were talking about it last night and I feel that God is preparing us for a day when He calls us to do something that makes no financial sense. At that time I think we're supposed to look back on all He's provided in such a timely manner and take that jump. What that is I'm not sure, but it's excited to think He's preparing us for greater service to Him.

"People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." 1 Timothy 6:9

    Oh, and then there's the whole entertainment and social media thing, but honestly that's another post. I've just about made a decision on this front that I hope will simplify my life further and help rid me of some temptations of pride and discontent. Stay tuned.

It's a big job being a mom and wife, and I think that all of these basics will help me to be a better one. The Proverbs 31 woman, a great example, seems to put forth a lot of effort to keep her family healthy and her household working efficiently. So, I think I'll attempt to follow her example and get busy!

"Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." Psalm 95:1

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Growing our Garden

     Spring has sprung around here, and besides there being a few more chilly nights than we expected or needed, it has been really nice. We planted our corn patch a few weeks ago…something we've been preparing for for a while now.

Smoothing out the ground after tilling…the old fashioned way. 

Dalton has a little helper 

Planting the corn…those two in the background really wanted to get in there with him.

The corn as of last Saturday, but it's grown since even then. We are trying not to get our hopes up because there are lots of deer and coons around to undermine our work. Hopefully we can persevere!

   Last weekend we finally put the rest of the garden in. We have been itching to plant for a while, but wanted to wait until the Farmer's Almanac and Neil Sperry said it was a good time to plant. It's a good thing we waited too, because we had a late frost that would have gotten our plants if we would've planted early!

 Farmer Ace hitching a ride in the wheelbarrow

 Cooper hauled the plants to the garden in his trusty tractor

Having a serious discussion about the tiller

 He's had enough! Time for nap.

Carefully planting the cantalope 

Cooper was a big help with the seeds…let's hope he didn't push them too far down.

Counting the seeds before he plants 

Can't wait to see what it all looks like in a couple of months!

Daddy's taking over for the last row

 Tada! The garden and corn patch

"He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows." Isaiah 30:23 (our prayer for the garden!)

"O God you are my God. Earnestly I seek you. My soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1 (our prayer for our souls!)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our Family is Expanding by Two Feet


    About a month and a half ago we were invited to a wedding in Houston. We were so excited to go because it would be a fun getaway, and my parents would keep the kids. A night away, just the two of us, is a luxury we don't get very often, and having a wedding and reception to attend was a bonus.
     I wanted to be free to have a glass of wine or something at the wedding, so I decided to take a test before we left Friday morning. I have a history of being 'irregular' so I didn't expect the result to be positive…it was just a precaution.
    Well, I got up and took the test and everything was looking normal….until a faint line started to appear. What?? I was shocked and took a second test….same thing, faint line after a minute or two. With that, I asked Dalton to stop by the house so I could 'show him something.' He walked in and looked at the tests and, with a slightly irritated look, said that he didn't even know what that meant. I showed him the test instructions, and he said "Well, looks like you're pregnant." We gave each other a short, tense hug and exchanged shocked looks. He promptly said "I've gotta get back to work," and left.
    Needless to say we weren't thrilled to find out like we were with the first two. We were shocked and confused…..and needed time to let the news sink in. Unfortunately we were about to see both of our parents, half the town of Graham and more that weekend. We tried to talk about it on the way to my parents, keeping it light, but the shock was still there. (Don't get me wrong…we want more kids, and now we are so excited, but to find out we're having another one so soon was not what we expected.)
     Once we got to my parents' house Dalton went to help Dad do something and I finally spilled the beans to Mom. I felt so relieved when I told her, and she was a little shocked too. Later that night we told Dad. He said "Girl, you're crazy!" which was so helpful…not. We all laughed though and went on about our business.
    The next day we rode down to Houston with Merann. On the way we were talking about Ace's birthday coming up and she said "It's about time to have another one, right?" We laughed it off, giving each other a knowing look. After we checked into the hotel, we went to a late lunch with Dalton's parents. We were desperate to get the awkwardness out of the room and so, right before a bite of fajita, I said "Well…" and promptly took a bite so Dalton had to finish the sentence. As soon as the word was out relief settled over us and we could enjoy our lunch. They were super excited, which also made us feel better. We managed to make it through the wedding and reception without telling anyone else, but, at Louis' urging we went ahead and told Merann after the reception. She was pretty excited too.
    After the whirlwind weekend, during which I told my grandparents and aunt because they were at Mom's house, I made an appointment to see the Dr. After that appointment, we guessed I was about 6 weeks and was to come back for a sonogram in a few weeks. We were trying to decide when to tell everyone and wanted to make it cute, and decided to wait until the sonogram.

    Of course before the few weeks passed a couple more people were let in on the secret because they guessed or we couldn't not tell them. One of those people was Paw. Dalton told him at the emergency room during a quick visit and I'm so glad that he did. It's now a special memory we have.
     When we finally told Cooper, his reaction was priceless. We told him that I was going to have a baby, so he would have a little brother or sister. His response: "A sister please." We laughed and told him it could be either one….to which he replied "Ace is my brother, I want a sister." Then I said that that was why I had to go to the Dr. He promptly said "I need to go to the Dr. to get a sister." It was pretty funny and we got it all on video. I hope he isn't disappointed if it is a boy.
    Sonogram day came and Dalton and I headed in to find out the details. The baby was there, with a 143 heartbeat and a due date of somewhere around Nov 19th. Apparently the line was really light on the test because I found out really early. Everything looks good and we are now on the countdown.
    So now that we are used to the idea we are excited about having another little one around! I'm determined to wait until he or she is born to find out boy or girl, but I haven't gotten Dalton convinced yet. I feel like it would be such a special thing, and as fast as time has been passing, it will be here before we know it.  Everyone we see says that they hope it's a girl, or they bet it's a girl, or they assume we want a girl this time. We listen politely and smile, but in reality a third boy would be awesome. But we're happy to let God decide this… worries about making the wrong choice!
      It's been a little weird because I keep 'forgetting' that I'm pregnant and then it dawns on me. I guess chasing two other kids around, teaching Bible study, and getting ready for the fun busy outdoor time of spring and summer is distracting me. It's so amazing how different each pregnancy is with regards to how I mentally think of it. And yet this one is so much like the others so far in that I want the same things and feel great. I'm always up for meat, salad, cheese and hearty things when I'm pregnant. Maybe it's another boy? Who knows!

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him." Psalm 127:3

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Festivities


      I know, Easter was almost two weeks ago, but I've been behind in everything lately, especially blogging. But the boys were so cute that I couldn't let the holiday pass without a few pictures of them.

    Before Easter weekend we had a little play group egg hunt at one of the mommy's houses. It was a good warm up.

    Later Cooper filled some Easter eggs for the church egg hunt. I think he enjoyed filling them just as much as hunting them.

    Ah, my handsome Easter boys. The shirts had their initials monogrammed on them, to match their Daddy's, courtesy of GG and Papa. They also got cute little lunch totes filled with goodies. I'm so thankful that Mom sent them new Easter clothes….I'm so bad about stuff like that. Thanks to her they had handsome complete outfits!

    Mere Mere and Popsey got the boys goodies too, Cooper's favorite was the bubble gun. Less messy and more bubbles, it's a win win!

    Easter morning we hunted eggs after breakfast, at the church. Cooper hasn't quite gotten the 'get as many as you can' concept. He prefers to find one, open it, see what's inside, possibly go ahead and eat it, and then move on. Ace just wandered around and picked up and dropped eggs.

     After church we headed to Aunt Ellen and Uncle Charles's house. Delicious lunch, good company and another egg hunt. It was fast and fierce with all the cousins involved.

"Ummm, what's going on here?"

 Cooper's hunting while Ace is visiting

 Showing off his prize

    Then it was time for confetti eggs! This was the highlight of Cooper's day….he was thrilled and ran around squealing and smashing eggs on people until there were none left. It was pretty fun, even for the adults.

Loves those confetti eggs!

Ace…not so much

Got Popsey on the leg

     Finally we left there, headed to Mere Mere and Popsey's and enjoyed quality time with everyone. Love those relaxing afternoons outside just watching the kids play and visiting. It was very very nice.

Happy Easter!!

"He is not here; He has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Luke 24:6-7