Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Festivities


      I know, Easter was almost two weeks ago, but I've been behind in everything lately, especially blogging. But the boys were so cute that I couldn't let the holiday pass without a few pictures of them.

    Before Easter weekend we had a little play group egg hunt at one of the mommy's houses. It was a good warm up.

    Later Cooper filled some Easter eggs for the church egg hunt. I think he enjoyed filling them just as much as hunting them.

    Ah, my handsome Easter boys. The shirts had their initials monogrammed on them, to match their Daddy's, courtesy of GG and Papa. They also got cute little lunch totes filled with goodies. I'm so thankful that Mom sent them new Easter clothes….I'm so bad about stuff like that. Thanks to her they had handsome complete outfits!

    Mere Mere and Popsey got the boys goodies too, Cooper's favorite was the bubble gun. Less messy and more bubbles, it's a win win!

    Easter morning we hunted eggs after breakfast, at the church. Cooper hasn't quite gotten the 'get as many as you can' concept. He prefers to find one, open it, see what's inside, possibly go ahead and eat it, and then move on. Ace just wandered around and picked up and dropped eggs.

     After church we headed to Aunt Ellen and Uncle Charles's house. Delicious lunch, good company and another egg hunt. It was fast and fierce with all the cousins involved.

"Ummm, what's going on here?"

 Cooper's hunting while Ace is visiting

 Showing off his prize

    Then it was time for confetti eggs! This was the highlight of Cooper's day….he was thrilled and ran around squealing and smashing eggs on people until there were none left. It was pretty fun, even for the adults.

Loves those confetti eggs!

Ace…not so much

Got Popsey on the leg

     Finally we left there, headed to Mere Mere and Popsey's and enjoyed quality time with everyone. Love those relaxing afternoons outside just watching the kids play and visiting. It was very very nice.

Happy Easter!!

"He is not here; He has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Luke 24:6-7

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