Friday, April 26, 2013

Children's Museum

   Last week we took a Play group trip to Fort Worth to visit the Children's Museum/Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. I was super excited because I love field trips, and was ready to see what the museum had to offer.

   It was a lot of fun! In the actual Children's Museum area there was a grocery mart, reptiles, a medical area, train tracks and other fun things. I bet you can guess which was Cooper's favorite. But just in case you didn't know….

 Selecting his items

His favorite spot was behind the cash register.

 Reaching for the bagel

 "I want to touch the turtle!!"

"That will be $5 please."

   Then we moved on to the dinosaur exhibit. They had a dinosaur skeleton, interactive learning stations, including a computer with touch pad where you can put a skeleton puzzle together. Cooper really liked that.

Cooper and his good buddy Lucas, in the footprint

    After that we moved on to the invention area. The kids got to see a 'tornado', make paper airplanes and see if they could fly (mine didn't…I've never had that talent), and play with shadows.

Ace really enjoyed pulling out the pegs and putting them back in

     There were also some students showing off their robot creations, to which Cooper was immediately drawn. He sat beside one student while he watched him control his robot car. Then he listened to the teacher while she explained how another robot worked. I think I have a little engineer on my hands. He loves to see how things work and how things are made, and anything mechanical is right up his alley!

He was a little disappointed when, after listening politely, he couldn't touch the robot.

     It was a great experience and we are for sure going back again. We didn't get to see the Planetarium show that I wanted to, but next time!

Tired museum goers!

     After our exploring we were hungry so we all headed over to Chic Fil A for a group lunch. It was crazy with 5 mommas and 9 kids, but we had fun and were re-charged. Then I managed to get a couple of errands run before we headed home. Ace was so tired he fell asleep and slept laying in the top part of a Target shopping cart the entire time we were in the store. I would have taken a picture but he was laying on my purse.

      To top the day off, Cooper had no accidents and both boys slept the entire ride home, including me stopping for gas in Mineral Wells! You can't have a better trip than that!! I can't wait until the next field trip.

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

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