Friday, September 20, 2013

Mud Puddles

"Singing in the rain…."

    It's raining here today, which is a big deal since it hasn't rained much in a long time. I'm praying it keeps up all evening, night and on through the weekend, goodness knows we need it!

    This morning we took advantage of all of us being up early and went to check cows with Dalton. Good thing too, because we got to watch him herd a bull back into his pen on foot, while cracking his whip. And he almost fell smack dab in the middle of a big muddy area, but caught himself just in time. We told him he had some nice moves when he got back in the truck.

    Spent the rest of the morning trying to entertain the boys in the house, which is getting harder as my belly gets bigger (being on the floor just isn't as comfortable anymore). Dalton came home for lunch about 11:30 and was working outside in the drizzling rain and I thought to myself 'perfect opportunity for the boys to go outside and get some energy out, a little rain and mud never hurt anyone.' Besides making everything grow and filling up tanks, rain also brings another added bonus for little boys….mud puddles.

The more splashes the better!

     They got to tromp in the mud, let the chickens out in the rain and then they found the biggest puddle they could and really started playing. I handed the camera to Dalton and we managed to get a few shots before mud time was over. (Oh, and in case you're wondering…no it wasn't cold, just wore long sleeves to keep the rain off bare skin).

This is so fun! 

Distracting him from play to get a quick picture

Making sure to guide the tractor to the deepest part of the puddle

 Watching carefully as the tires go through the water
Notice the arm in the back; Ace was riding along too.

     While Dalton snapped pics I made toasted sandwiches for lunch, and after we ate and he went back to work the boys settled in for a good nap while I caught up on Bible study. Then it was after-nap snack time, popcorn on the menu. And tonight I'll make Skinners (as Grandma Myrna used to call it) to celebrate the cooler weather and the rain.

"How can I repay the Lord for all His acts of kindness to me? I will celebrate my deliverance and call on the name of the Lord." Psalm 116:12-13

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