Saturday, November 2, 2013

Harvest Party / Halloween

     Fall is here and we celebrated last weekend and this week with a Harvest costume party and trick or treating with friends, oh and carving a pumpkin for the first time as a family.

     I decided to make homemade applesauce as a party favor and hand it out in mason jars. It was a lot of work peeling those apples but the cooking process smelled wonderful and the end product was great! I think I'll try not to buy applesauce in the store again, now that I know how easy it is to make at home.

     We had our 2nd annual Harvest Party last Saturday night. It was a big success and about 40 people came, a good mixture of kids and adults. I made a big dessert table again, but forgot to take a picture before everyone came. We had caramel corn, mini pecan pies, cake balls, acorns, leaf shaped sugar cookies and more. For supper we served enchilada soup and all of our guests helped out by bringing the extras needed, like drinks, chips and dip and add ons for the soup.

     A super funny moment was when my dad, dressed as Si Robertson, looked up and saw Louis walking in….dressed in the same costume. We all had a good laugh and made sure to get the two in a picture together. Unfortunately I neglected to get pictures of the grandparents and grandkids by themselves. It was too much fun that I forgot to take enough pictures, shame on me!! 

      Cooper's friend Lucas came as a shark, ready to eat some fishies!

I was a bee and Dalton was my 'Honey'
The boys were a UPS man and a little fisherman

The Robertson men, along with a bat and the Cat in the Hat

The shark brought some fishermen along, as well as a lobster 

Another bee made an appearance with her beekeepers 

Dennis the Menace came too, with Margaret, Mrs. Wilson and the 'mean guy' 

We had the star of 'Mama's Family', minus gray hair, and her bum, kitty and 50s girl

 An airline pilot and his flight attendant flew in for the festivities too

And the great and powerful OZ even came with Dorothy and Glenda the good witch 

No party feels safe without super heroes, but we had several 

Andy's Mom, Bo Beep and her sheep, Buzz, and a toy soldier came too

     I attempted a couple of new games this year. This one was a relay race where the kids filled up pails of popcorn and ran down to dump them into a bowl. Whichever teams bowl was filled first won….except our bowls never got full so we eventually had to call the race.

Go Cooper!

About to make the dump 

     Sop why did we have to call the race? Well, the kids stopped filling up the pail and started eating the popcorn! They were all having a big time. It was pretty funny.

     My second attempt at a new game went a little better. It was another relay race, with dads at one end and kids at the other. The kids ran to the dads with a pumpkin in hand, handed off to the dads, who ran back and gave it to another kid. It actually went pretty well and everyone had fun. Dalton's team won, yay!

     Of course we had to have a pinata, which the kids were super excited about. Only one kid got hit in the head with the bat…Cooper, and he was ok. We also played pin the nose on the pumpkin, another fun game for the kiddos. For the adults I had jars filled with candy, once again. Everyone guessed how many they thought were inside and the closest guess won.

     Overall it was a great party. I was tired by the time it was over, and my feet were pretty swollen, but it was all worth it. So fun to have friends over and play together! 

     The next night Dalton and the boys carved a pumpkin together. We haven't done one before so it was a momentous occasion. Cooper refused to grab a handful of the pumpkin 'innards' while Dalton was cleaning it out. He was too grossed out by it.

     Ace was ready to lend a hand though. The hardest part of the entire process was keeping the carving tools out of Cooper's hands. He was really wanting to dive in. Dalton carved a traditional Jack O Lantern face, but the mouth turned out a bit big because each time he carved a tooth it fell out! So we have a pumpkin with a big mouth….seems that we have several big mouths around here. 

The finished product! 

     The kids got to try out their costumes one more time on Halloween. We got them dressed and headed to town for a bit of trick or treating. Both of them had the line mastered before we even left.
Cooper showed off his package for the camera.

Attempting to get both boys looking was too much, but you get the idea

Oh yes, in case you forgot I'm pregnant. Though in this picture it looks like I stuffed a basketball under my shirt for Halloween. This is my almost 38 weeks picture.

     After going by Sonic for some 50 cent corn dogs, we headed to the Heartfields' to visit before we met up with friends. They were serving pizza to the kiddos and our boys decided to have a second dinner. UPS men do need lots of nutrition to make it through all their deliveries.

Ace was ready to go get some candy. Once we got started and he figured out the drill he was all about it! He would race up to the bowl, grab candy and wait for more. We had to pull him away a few times, but his cuteness saved him from being frowned upon for his manner. 

The trick or treating crew, it was quite a feat keeping track of them all!

     Overall it was a great week celebrating fall and all that comes with it. We enjoyed the friends, family and fun and now we'll be enjoying the treats for a while too. Now that all of that fun is over and it's November, we're into full 'get ready for baby' mode….though I don't know if we'll ever be ready by the time he/she gets here. 

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not agains flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:10-12

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