Friday, November 15, 2013

What…we're about to have a baby??

     As I write this, we are 4 days away from my due date of November 19th. I'll admit, for a while I thought I might deliver early this time, but now I've come to the conclusion that he or she will make a late appearance like the other two. They just get too comfortable in there and don't want to come out to the real world.
     In preparing for baby #3, we haven't done much preparing. Dalton's parents asked us what our plan was and we didn't understand at first. Then we realized they meant our plan if the baby decides to come in the middle of the night. Well, I guess we'll play it by ear and see how it goes. I don't know if it's because this is #3 or if it's just our way of doing things but we are just pretty laid back thinking about this baby. We just keep thinking, wow, we're about to have another baby.
     Now that we're close people keep asking us if we're ready, if we have the house ready, etc. We just look at each other, shrug and say "I guess so." It's weird how I have forgotten things, even though I've been through this twice before.  As I was attempting to pack a bag for baby I was trying to remember what I will need. And then packing a bag for me brought up the same blank mind. And now as the time is near, I'm trying to remember exactly what it felt like when I knew I was in labor and I can't! I mean I know that I've been having a few contractions already, but really, how did I know it was time? It's crazy how fast the mind can file away information.
    Another thing that is in the back of my mind as we prepare for baby #3 is that at this point I'm passing from being 'like my mom' and entering territory that I'm not familiar with. I grew up with a brother…the two of us, a couple of amigos growing up together. This three thing is something I'm not familiar with and even Mom, as helpful as she is, hasn't had the hands on experience raising this number of kids. It's not that it's a big deal, just a weird feeling passing the number of kids your mom had; entering my own realm. But we have Mere Mere's experience with three, so Dalton will maybe be helpful ; )
     Last week I got a case of the dreaded stomach bug, and so did Ace. It was horrible! But something great came out of it, Mom came up and stayed a few days, which was so helpful. Just having an extra person here to help with the kids and give me a little break makes all the difference and we appreciated her help. The kids loved snuggling down with her at nap and bed time too, reading books together. 

    Having her here helped me to get in the mood to get baby ready (or maybe it was that full day of rest with no parental duties…thanks to Dalton and Mom…. that got me energized). We washed baby things, got the carseat ready, packed the baby bag and moved some things around. Since then I've also taken all of the "Ace" items from the baby room and we've made Cooper's room now the boys' room. It's nice to have a clean slate but a little crazy that we can't do anything else until he or she comes and we know which direction to go! 

Hanging out by the fire, staying warm.

          One issue we've had to deal with (ok with Ace we've never stopped dealing with it since he was born!) is the sleeping arrangement. Originally we thought we'd keep the baby in our room for a while so that Ace could sleep in his crib as long as possible. Well, Ace didn't like that idea very much and he's started to refuse to sleep all night in his crib. It's been frustrating listening to him cry and trying to determine how long to let him fuss before we relented and brought him to our bed. So last week, after Mom's visit we decided to bite the bullet and try a big bed for him. We put him and Cooper in the same (twin) bed and crossed our fingers. The first night he slept until 1 then we got him. The next two nights he slept all night! Then he had a horrible night (which could be due to getting shots that day) and last night he came toodling into our room after midnight (which is a good development, better than crying in the bed). So overall I think we have found a better solution than hearing him call for us from a lonely crib each night. He and Cooper like having a buddy to sleep with and we like knowing they have each other. Last night we put a queen sized bed in their room and took out the little bed. Now they have plenty of room and Mom and Dad can actually have a good place to sleep when they come visit. Win-win.

     For a little while I was desperate to go ahead and get this baby here; tired of being pregnant and ready to get started with this next phase. Now though, I'm feeling better and, since it's Friday, would just as soon he/she wait until Monday to come around. One last weekend to enjoy and get things done would be nice. Now if I'm still pregnant next Friday I won't be so laid back about when the baby arrives. If this baby waits too much longer it'll start interfering with fun Christmas things, and I'd rather he/she be able to participate! I really want to go to a birthday party in Wichita Falls tomorrow evening, but the Dr. said 'No'. But I'm really tempted to go against orders and give it a try. I mean, I'll know I'm in labor an hour before the baby's born, right? Surely I won't have a baby on the road between here and Wichita, right? Dalton said he thinks we should stay home. Mom said I could go as long as Dalton's ok delivering a baby. Where are all the adventurous people?

(Had to put it in B&W because I was looking not so good)

     In trying to get things accomplished before the baby arrives, we scheduled the boys some needed appointments. Wednesday I took Ace to his 18 month checkup (2 months overdue) and Dalton took Cooper to his first dentist appointment. Ace did great. He smiled at the nurses and enjoyed letting them listen to his heart. He was friendly to the Dr. and was very pleasant and more docile than usual. Then it came time for shots. They had an extra person come in to help hold his little legs since he was getting two (usually I only allow one but I weakened that day). He was all happy until they stuck him, then he frowned and they stuck him again and then he got MAD. I know he has a pretty high pain tolerance because of some stunts he's pulled here, so it wasn't the stick of the needle but the idea that these ladies who he'd been flirting with for the past few minutes just stuck him…twice. He cried, let out some big ol' tears but then perked up when they gave him a sucker.

Introducing Cooper to "Mr. Slurpy" 

Showing off his sparkly clean teeth

      Ace's appointment ended just in time for us to head over and catch up with Cooper at the dentist. I watched while the hygienist showed him all the tools and cleaned his teeth. He did so good and seemed to enjoy the experience….of course, because it was a grown up experience! He did have one cavity…I take full responsibility, and we're going to be extra stringent in our brushing routine so this doesn't happen again! At least they are all baby teeth…God is gracious to give us a second try with permanent ones. While Coop was getting his teeth cleaned Dalton was back and forth with Ace, who was ready to explore. Then I hurried off for my Dr. checkup, which was uneventful, and we all met up for pizza before heading home. It was such a nice morning getting to do all of that as a family. And honestly there would have been no way I could have successfully accomplished all 3 appointments with both boys and a bulging belly.
     So as we get ready for this baby's arrival we're thankful for the blessing that he or she will be, nervous to think it may be a girl, not because we don't like girls but because we both have no idea what to do with a girl (really), excited to get going on another adventure, dreading the lack of sleep that is inevitable, curious as to what we'll actually name this little bundle (still haven't settled on names for either), excited at the fun holidays will be this year, a little anxious about how/when he or she will arrive, and praying to God for His timing to be right and for us to be ready!

"But Jesus called for them, saying, 'Permit the children to come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." Luke 18:16-17

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