Friday, December 20, 2013

Thanksgiving at Home

     This year we decided to stay home for Thanksgiving, for obvious reasons. Taking a one and a half week old baby anywhere wasn't very appealing and I'm always looking for an excuse to get my family up here for a couple days.
     To keep things simple we ordered a pre-packaged meal from United that included a smoked turkey, dressing, rolls, gravy and a pumpkin pie. I felt a little sheepish walking around the store with my pre-made meal while all the others picked out raw turkeys and prepared to cook from scratch. Oh well, next year I'll go for the real thing.

Dad asked if it was an MRE

     Mom and Dad came Wednesday night and we were all glad to see them. I think since the boys went and spent so much time with them they want to see them more often and got used to it. Cooper even asked today when they were coming back. Mom brought a couple of sides to supplement the meal, and we each made a dessert.

Garrett's girlfriend made them these adorable shirts, 
so they looked plenty festive all day.

Our littlest turkey even had one

    Thanksgiving morning we ate pumpkin pancakes and waited eagerly for Garrett to arrive, then went location scouting for family pictures to be taken the next day. After that we worked on getting lunch ready. We were planning on a 1 pm eating time but apparently I hadn't let the turkey thaw enough so we ate after 2. Luckily we'd had snacks to get us through the morning. It was a nice meal and the triptophan went to work quickly…actually Ace fell asleep in his high chair. We had a nice nap, watched a little football and visited.

Uncle Garrett holding Tucker for the first time

His post-Thanksgiving meal shirt

     Later that evening Mere Mere, Popsey, Auntie Mern and Aunt Kim came over for a visit. It was nice to have more company and the boys provided lots of entertainment for us, wrestling, singing and being silly. After they left I persuaded everyone to play a couple rounds of Bible Guesstures and then we picked out our picture outfits and went to bed.

Wrestling for the guests   

Ace was making sure Aunt Kim had some of whatever he was having

    Friday morning we fixed ourselves up best we could and took family, Christmas and newborn pictures. I'll have a separate post with a few from the shoot, they turned out great. And for the most part the boys did good, though they got a little restless towards the end of the shoot. After lunch we said goodbye to GG and Papa for a few weeks, until Christmas.
    Then we napped and got ready to go to Nana's for some Pitcock traditions. We visited, had dinner and then decorated Nana's Christmas tree together. I mostly followed the boys around, ready to catch any breakable ornaments they were carrying. Thankfully they did well and didn't drop any…..well the little guys didn't but Dalton did, a first for him I think.

Tucker was cozy in Popsey's arms 

Sweet sleeping boy!

Playing blocks with the cousins 

The kids were very curious about Tucker and
 wanted to touch him and look at him

    We took this opportunity to snap a picture with Mere Mere, Popsey and Merann, as well as Nana. It was a great evening and Cooper and Ace enjoyed hanging out with their cousins. Family time is always a blessing, especially when we have so much to be thankful for. I'm extremely fortunate to have married into such a close family who loves to be together.

Trying to get his ornament way up high. 
My boys hogged the ladder a little bit I'm afraid 

All the cousins together 

Happy to celebrate with Nana!

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100: 4-5

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