Monday, January 6, 2014

'Twas the Season

     It's January 2014 already, but lots happened in December of 2013, so I'm going to try and catch up over the next few blogs.
    We did a lot this Christmas season and I tried to snap some photos of each activity, so here's what we've been up to, in addition to juggling 3 kids!

Christmas Box! Included new PJs, a movie, book and an 
Advent calendar to tell the Christmas story one day at a time. 

Decorating their Christmas tree for their room 

Posing by our tree. We decorated it one night and were so glad to have it finished. I was just about to go to bed when there was a crash….it fell over. 
Thankfully there were no presents under it, but we did lose a few ornaments. 

The boys helped Mere Mere make Holly at her house, a Pitcock tradition. 

Tucker's taking it all in. Cooper and Ace got personalized boxers, so cute!

We made it to the Christmas Stroll downtown. The boys got their pictures taken with Santa…Ace was reaching and crying, Cooper was there but not standing close enough to touch Santa, and Tucker was calm and relaxed. Then we stayed for the parade and parked close enough to watch it from the car. Ace wasn't a big fan and liked to stay in the car.  

Cooper on the other hand, was excited to watch all the floats come by. 
He and Daddy braved the cold.  

We took a family trip to Wichita Falls to finish our Christmas shopping. It was successful and not too stressful. We had a couple meltdowns. The first one was after lunch (which was past nap time), as we were paying and leaving. The second was in the western wear store when Ace wanted to run instead of be held. We had to carry him out screaming, trying to smile and act like we had it all under control. 

We drove by the light display at MSU and decided to stop and walk around. Ace was asleep, but we woke him and put him in the stroller (what were we thinking). He thoroughly enjoyed the lights and so did Cooper. Here he is in front of the Nativity display. But when we got back to the car Ace refused to get out of the stroller and a fight ensued, followed by screaming a quarter of the way home. But the lights were cool and we made a memory.

All these Christmas festivities wear a boy out!

Showing off his dimples 

A Christmas tradition we started last year 'Cinnamon Roll Day'. 
We make a pan for all of our friends and deliver them one evening. 
It's fun making and delivering them. We gave away 17 this year.

Delivering them is the fun part, even with the awkward waiting at doors after you've knocked. 
The funniest was a deliver that Dalton made. He and Cooper went to the door and knocked. Shortly after a little head appearing at the door window. They all waved, the boy tried to open the door but it was locked. Then he ran away. Dalton and Cooper waited and saw another child playing on the floor, but no adult appeared. After a little while the boy came back and tried the handle again…no change. Finally Dalton said "Are your parents home?" and then a minute later the mom came to the door. I was sitting in the car laughing at the awkwardness the entire time. 

Christmas crafts to keep us busy inside, cotton ball snowman and candy cane ornament.

It was pretty icy for several days but that didn't keep the boys from going outside.
They walked to the Echols' to deliver a Christmas poinsettia, Dalton said 
that as Cooper handed them the plant he said "We got it at Walmart," in 
his country accent. Thanks Cooper.

Photo opportunity on the old tractor out front.
Cooper's helping Daddy and holding brother.

Cooper got a black eye while out working with Dalton. 
He fell out of a tree while trying to climb it and "see the whole world" (direct quote)

Dancing with the singing dog at Mere Mere and Popsey's. 
That's one way to burn some energy.

All the cousins celebrating the season at lunch at the Country Club.

Family shot! Not sure why we didn't choose a better background. 

"Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36

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