Friday, February 21, 2014

Fort Worth Stock Show

     At the first of this month we took a family trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo. We've been going every year since Dalton and I have been married, and we were looking forward to once again going to the rodeo and checking out the booths at the expo hall. However with three little ones to bring along, we were also a little apprehensive about what this trip was going to look like.
   We set off early that morning after we got everyone fed, dressed and in the car, along with all of the stuff that we have to travel with (like diapers, extra clothes, DVD, music, snacks, toys, etc).

    We arrived at the grounds along with everyone else in TX. One look at the traffic, full parking lots and gobs of people and we knew we were in for a day. Dalton and I looked at each other, took a deep breath and prepared ourselves. We got a decent parking spot and unloaded all the kiddos. Cooper was walking, Ace in the stroller and Tucker in the carrier on me. We got going and made it to the main area without incident. We looked around at the Farm Bureau kids' area and the boys and Dalton went into a combine simulator. The boys weren't that impressed, probably because they've been on so much real equipment. Then we looked a bit more and met up with Merann and Jud…the heroes of the day. Having those two extra people there was so helpful; I only feel bad because I know that their rodeo experience wasn't as relaxing as if it would have just been them.

Tucker was tucked away for part of the adventure.

Of course it didn't take Cooper long to find a TV with information about equipment.

    Next we headed to the expo hall. I was ok with skipping that part this year, but Dalton wanted to talk to a guy about a chute, and he'd already told Cooper he would show him the tractors. We maneuvered our way through the ocean of people, keeping a tight grip on the stroller and the Coopster until we arrived. Once we got to the tractors Ace wanted out of the stroller. We let him out and he and Cooper had a big time sitting on the different tractors….such a good time that they didn't want to get off of them. About this time Tucker got really fussy; it was time to eat and he was tired of the carrier. So I got him out and put him in the stroller for a bit, which lasted long enough for us to get finished looking.

Coop seeing how this tractor drives, Tucker enjoying the stroller view, 
and Ace trying to move as many levers as he could.

    We tried to find Elsie and the Bordon milk booth, but I guess they didn't have it this year, which was a disappointment for two milk loving toddlers. Then I was ready to skeedaddle out of there and get to our rodeo seats. And Tucker was ready to get to some lunch. As the sweat began (which usually comes in tense situations involving crowds, crying kids and pressure all in one) I gave Dalton the 'we gotta move' look and headed out, but not before I bought a lemonade, one of my must haves at the FWSSR, along with a corn dog - but that would have to wait. I took a big swig of lemonade before I handed it off to Dalton, who handed it off to Ace in the stroller. From that time on Ace and I fought over the lemonade and I'm sad to say I didn't get my fill! Luckily we had a bottle of water to help quench my growing thirst.

View from the top. 

Ace had an applesauce snack break while watching world champion Trevor Brazile rope.

     We made it to the arena, checked the stroller and made the haul up to our section. I was very hot by this time, carrying a squirmy infant and a purse that weighed more than the infant I think. When I looked up the stairs at our seats way at the top I decided to feed Tucker first before making the climb. I sent the rest on up and headed to a bathroom where I could feed him in privacy. It's an awkward thing feeding in a bathroom stall as people come and go beside you, but at least I was alone and could cool down. Tucker ate, burped and I thought we were ready so we headed up. When we got to the top I sat down and welcomed a corn dog, while Dalton held Tucker. Two bites into the corn dog and halfway through the grand entry Tucker revved up and started crying uncontrollably, which made me start sweating again, and gained us lots of looks from fellow rodeo goers. After several attempts to calm him, I retreated back to my bathroom stall and fed him again…apparently he wasn't finished the first time. Then it was back up to our seats with a prayer that things would settle down. And they did, for Tucker. He fell asleep not too long after and slept the entire time.

 The entire week before the rodeo Cooper kept talking about seeing the longhorns at the rodeo.
We told him there wouldn't be any longhorns, but part of the show during the rodeo
 this year was a herd of longhorns, it made Cooper's day.

    Cooper and Ace really did great for the rodeo. Ace really watched the events and Cooper did some, until he decided that bugging Merann and wallowing on her lap were more fun. I apologized and she graciously dealt with him (thanks again Merann). The pleasant experience turned sour when Merann and Jud decided to get up and go get a drink. When the boys saw them headed down the stairs they exploded. Because it was a sold out show, there was very little room for them in the row, and playing in the aisle was not an option. Holding a sleeping Tucker, I wasn't much help so Dalton was on his own. He finally scooped up both boys and headed down the stairs. I wish I would have had my camera because the view was hysterical. Dalton was walking down the stairs with a boy on each hip, while they were looking back, crying with tears streaming down their faces, and holding out their hands to me. We'd invited another couple with us, and at this point I leaned down and told them "Please don't let this experience have any bearing on how many kids you have….it's really not like this all the time." Then we all laughed and I hoped Dalton was ok. They came back later in better spirits and we rearranged seats so that all the craziness was on one row. Then Cooper cuddled up in Merann's lap and went to sleep. Ace stayed awake until the bull riding the fell asleep standing, leaning on my leg. About that time Tucker woke up and enjoyed the last of the rodeo.

"Where am I and what's going on?'
I guess he wasn't expecting all the excitement when he woke up!

Ace man is out! 

    When it was all over we stayed and waited until the guard told us it was time to leave so we didn't have to fight the crowd. Then we attempted to move sleeping boys. Poor Jud had to pick up sleeping Cooper but as soon as he was up, he woke up and walked. Dalton carried Ace, who also woke up. We made it to the stroller and loaded back up. Once again Jud helped out by holding Tucker while I got my 'harness' on. We laughed because it's awkward asking a non-family member to take your squirmy kids, but he was a champ and didn't turn us down.

   We made it back to the car and loaded back up, waiting to see how their moods were before committing to dinner with Merann, Jud and Aunt Kim. They were pretty good….once we stopped for milk. Then I saw a cake shop that I liked so we swung in for a couple of sweet treats to enjoy after dinner, and picked up one for Merann for thanks.

Our one family picture of the day. I intended to get one at the rodeo,
with a great scene in the background but it just didn't happen.
This one kinda sums up our day more with the looks everyone has!

    We arrived at the restaurant for dinner and debated whether to go in, they were iffy…very tired. But we opted to go, and really it wasn't a disaster. We were in a corner (which is always helpful with kids) and it was a loud atmosphere. We enjoyed visiting with Kim and the good mexican food. Then we left everyone there so they could actually enjoy their margaritas and ran to Buy Buy Baby to scope out some bedding for the boys and get a couple of shower gifts. We had to take turns because Tucker got pretty upset while I was inside, but then it was mission accomplished and off to home.

Had to get one of Tucker and his cute little jacket, he was looking quite handsome. 

Aunt Kim fought through the fussiness for a picture. 
Next time we won't wait until he's exhausted to give her a turn to hold him. 

    On the way home we decided that next year we're either going on a weekday so there won't be a crowd, or making our trip a date night so we can enjoy the experience! Then again, what would I have to write about if we didn't take the kids?

"Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." Colossians 3:13-14

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Doings

    It's been a long cold winter here at the Pitcock house, and with all the snow and ice that has come our way lately we've been forced to be creative indoors, well, that and watch too much TV! Here's what we've been up to on those cold days.

Finally went outside after 2 days inside. Cooper wanted to "make tracks" all around the yard, 
and Ace followed suit. Later they had the rake making tracks with that.


Play doh, not for building or creating around here.
 It's used for squishing and making tracks with 'machines' and hauling around in trailers. 

 One day I thought I'd be extra creative and let them play with flour and cornmeal, 
driving their machines through it. It was a huge mess, but kept them occupied for a good
half hour….well worth it to me!

What do you do when you're bored? Put on costumes and run around. 
Or empty the toy box and hide in it. 

 The three boys all together.

Ace got to spend a day with Mommy while Cooper and Daddy went to town.
He also got to spend a few days by himself with Papa and GG, which he enjoyed a lot.

Living room serenade; Tucker isn't a huge fan of the Bumbo seat.

 Yes, these are pictures of the boys leaping off of a chair. 
I had to figure out some way to let them get some energy out and I figured controlled falls were the way to go. We piled a bunch of pillows, blankets and a papasan cushion together and I let them go for it. 
For the record, they had a good nap that day. 

    This feels a little weird writing about cold days when I'm sitting outside in the 80 degree weather soaking up the sunshine, but that's what I get for putting off writing!

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."  Colossians 3:12

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ace's First Haircut

     Well, it's finally happened. Ace's curls are gone. Dalton has been wanting me to get his hair cut for some time now and I've resisted. Partly because I didn't want to see my baby's hair short, making him a little boy, and partly because his curls are so pretty I hate to risk them not coming back.

Last pre-haircut picture


    But the time finally came when his hair was looking more frizzy than cute. And then there was the fact that I could do this to it…..
I texted this to Dalton and his reply was "Not Funny."

     So a couple of weeks ago, when we went into town we took him to get it cut. He did so great. He sat very still the entire time, listened and obeyed as the lady cut his hair, and smiled when it was over. I was so proud of him.

 The first couple of cuts were the hardest (for Mama anyway).

    At first I was excited because his new short hair was so different but so cute. He looks like a little boy now, not a baby, and he seems to like it. But now I'm sure that I won't let it get that short again. Some boys are just meant to have a little longer hair than others and I think he's one of them, especially if he grows those curls back. We'll have to wait and see.

Sitting and watching her cut his hair. 
I'm not sure if you can tell, but he's smiling in the first one.

    For now though, I'm glad he doesn't have a fuzzball of hair and that he wears this new cut well.

My big boy! 

Of course, Cooper had to have a haircut too, since Ace did.
He requested the cheetah cape…because he likes cheetahs. 

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." Philippians 4:8