Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Doings

    It's been a long cold winter here at the Pitcock house, and with all the snow and ice that has come our way lately we've been forced to be creative indoors, well, that and watch too much TV! Here's what we've been up to on those cold days.

Finally went outside after 2 days inside. Cooper wanted to "make tracks" all around the yard, 
and Ace followed suit. Later they had the rake making tracks with that.


Play doh, not for building or creating around here.
 It's used for squishing and making tracks with 'machines' and hauling around in trailers. 

 One day I thought I'd be extra creative and let them play with flour and cornmeal, 
driving their machines through it. It was a huge mess, but kept them occupied for a good
half hour….well worth it to me!

What do you do when you're bored? Put on costumes and run around. 
Or empty the toy box and hide in it. 

 The three boys all together.

Ace got to spend a day with Mommy while Cooper and Daddy went to town.
He also got to spend a few days by himself with Papa and GG, which he enjoyed a lot.

Living room serenade; Tucker isn't a huge fan of the Bumbo seat.

 Yes, these are pictures of the boys leaping off of a chair. 
I had to figure out some way to let them get some energy out and I figured controlled falls were the way to go. We piled a bunch of pillows, blankets and a papasan cushion together and I let them go for it. 
For the record, they had a good nap that day. 

    This feels a little weird writing about cold days when I'm sitting outside in the 80 degree weather soaking up the sunshine, but that's what I get for putting off writing!

"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."  Colossians 3:12

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