Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ace's First Haircut

     Well, it's finally happened. Ace's curls are gone. Dalton has been wanting me to get his hair cut for some time now and I've resisted. Partly because I didn't want to see my baby's hair short, making him a little boy, and partly because his curls are so pretty I hate to risk them not coming back.

Last pre-haircut picture


    But the time finally came when his hair was looking more frizzy than cute. And then there was the fact that I could do this to it…..
I texted this to Dalton and his reply was "Not Funny."

     So a couple of weeks ago, when we went into town we took him to get it cut. He did so great. He sat very still the entire time, listened and obeyed as the lady cut his hair, and smiled when it was over. I was so proud of him.

 The first couple of cuts were the hardest (for Mama anyway).

    At first I was excited because his new short hair was so different but so cute. He looks like a little boy now, not a baby, and he seems to like it. But now I'm sure that I won't let it get that short again. Some boys are just meant to have a little longer hair than others and I think he's one of them, especially if he grows those curls back. We'll have to wait and see.

Sitting and watching her cut his hair. 
I'm not sure if you can tell, but he's smiling in the first one.

    For now though, I'm glad he doesn't have a fuzzball of hair and that he wears this new cut well.

My big boy! 

Of course, Cooper had to have a haircut too, since Ace did.
He requested the cheetah cape…because he likes cheetahs. 

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things." Philippians 4:8

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