Friday, April 18, 2014

Camping and Cows

    Wow, it's been a while. So much has been happening in our lives, including moving! I'll post about that later because it will take a few posts to cover it all, but I want to try and catch up on posts from before the move, including finishing this one about camping at GG and Papa's and one about Ace's birthday. Here goes!

    The boys and I went to visit GG and Papa some time ago. We did that a lot this winter. Something about being stuck inside at home while Daddy works all day and some evenings just isn't very appealing, so going to my parents provides some entertainment, help and a nice cozy fire to enjoy.

Practicing their hammering skills

     On our most recent trip we stayed inside a lot due to some really cold weather, but when if finally did warm up enough we fed cows with Papa and went camping in the yard. Correction, Papa and Cooper went camping in the yard, the rest of us just enjoyed the campfire, smores and fireside tales before heading inside.

Ready to ride! (Don't worry, I rode between them on the tailgate.)

The herd was on our heels the entire time,
 bawling and shaking their heads.

The thrill of the cows following us

Cooper's a pro, he's done this many times with Papa.

Ace looks back to make sure Papa's taking us in the right direction.
 As the cows followed, we poured out the cubes slowly and watched them file in for supper.

     It was nice to get outside and do some outside things. I've been lazy and/or stuck inside with an infant lately and haven't gotten enough fresh air. It's amazing the difference in makes in attitude and energy levels. After we fed the cows the guys gathered some firewood for the camp fire and then we headed up for supper before setting up camp. 

Cooper's contribution, a big old piece of pine wood. 

    Finally the sun went down and it was camping time! We didn't use a traditional tent. Dad wanted to go the tarp route. I was pretty skeptical at first, thinking how could a tarp be a good tent? But once it was set up it was pretty cool. 

    Then it was time to light the fire; the boys had been waiting all evening for this! We built the fire in a fire pit and watched the flames grow. Then Papa let the boys break sticks and put them into the fire. Well, they were supposed to break the sticks but Ace kept trying to put the whole thing in, comical moment.

No, Papa John isn't doing a rain dance around the fire…he's actually breaking a piece of wood.

Once we got the flames to a manageable level it was time to roast the marshmallows. 

Cooper, Mr. Independent, wanted to do all the roasting by himself of course. 
This made Papa pretty nervous, but turns out he was a pretty good roaster - as long as he wasn't swinging the sharp end toward anyone. Ace on the other hand liked to stick his marshmallow it the ashes and then the fire and then the ashes again. It took about 3 before he got an edible one.  

Success! Tucker even showed up for the fun. He did pretty good hanging out by the fire and finally went to sleep so GG and I could have a smore.  

Ace preferred to deconstruct his smore on Papa John's cot.

Snuggling down in the tent. Below you see Cooper's pine made it to the fire. 
It was our last piece of wood for the night.  

 Trucks are sure fun to play with in the tent. 

Another shot of the high flames and happy campers. We finished the evening with stories by the fire. We made up the story as we went and took turns telling a portion, until Cooper highjacked the story and wouldn't let anyone else join in. It showcased Pinkfoot (a camping character from Bubble Guppies), talking skunks, a raccoon, two boys and somehow always led back to the characters finding machinery working in the woods. 

The boys also helped work on a toy 4--wheeler and 
Cooper and Tucker (aka mini-Cooper) enjoyed a little TV time together. 

"Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." Hebrews 12:28-29

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