Thursday, April 24, 2014

Strawberries and Seuss

     I know that it's past time to post about the big move, but I have a couple short posts that I want to tackle before the big one. We went back to Mom and Dad's a couple weeks after the move to watch cousin Paige in her school fundraiser musical "Seussical the Musical." We headed out on a Thursday and came back on Saturday night, so it was a quick trip.

 Empty containers, ready to fill.

Mmmm, so good that Ace couldn't wait! 

 It didn't take long to fill the containers

     We had a day to enjoy Friday before the play that night, so we decided to go to "The Berry Patch" in Fairfield and pick some strawberries. It was such a treat! We enjoyed the picking and eating portions of the experience.

GG helped pick out the juiciest berries.

     After we picked, we headed to Ponte's for a late lunch before nap time. It was delicious and we even split a malt before we left.
     That night we headed to Corsicana for the play. We all filed into the crowded theater and found our seats towards the front. I was a little nervous about being in front of so many people but the boys did pretty good. Tucker and I had to leave and finish the second half at the back, but we made it.
    Ace and Cooper were big fans and watched with great interest! They were glued to the stage. Ace was really all about The Cat. Every time he would leave the stage Dad said he'd start asking "Where's the cat?"

After the curtain closed we waited for our actress and took a few pictures. Ace even got his picture taken with The Cat and was pretty excited. 
    Then we braved the late night and headed to a restaurant to eat. Everyone did good and Parker put Tucker to sleep in her arms. Finally, with three tired boys and a baby we headed home. Pearson came back to GG and Papa's too. We thought it would be straight to bed, but no such luck. Once we got home they all played and ran around for a while and then finally settled down to sleep. 

    The next day we got up and around and headed out. We stopped by the Franks' to drop off Pearson and winded up staying there an hour or more. It was nice to get to visit with them all, and helped shorten the trip. I'd been wanting to get the boys' picture in bluebonnets all weekend and so when I saw some in Corsicana I couldn't help but turn around and attempt. Having Pearson there to help was a contributing factor!

 I won't say it's the best bluebonnet picture ever taken, 
but the moment was captured. 
    We made it to Graford without anyone crying, and they napped most of the time; we even made a pit stop at Sonic for a happy hour drink. But at Graford we had to stop and feed Tucker. And you know how it is. Once you stop it all goes crazy. I let the kids get in the very back so that they could stretch their legs while I fed Tucker. As I was feeding, Ace climbed back over the seat and got tangled in the TV cords. Then I heard Cooper say "I have to go poo poo." Great. I asked him if he really had to go and couldn't wait. So I laid Tucker in the front seat, closed the door and went to the back hatch to put the boys' shoes on. They usually shuck them at some point during the ride.
    After getting that done I went back to the front, opened the door and found Tucker on the floorboard on his belly with a "How'd I get here?" look about him. He wasn't crying though so we were good. Then I pulled the car over to the gas pumps to get a little gas before we headed inside. You see, when our car is below a quarter of a tank it won't start up again, so I had to make sure I was filled up before killing it. I put in as little as I could to keep it above the key level, because gas wasn't cheap. Then I strapped on my baby harness, loaded up Tucker, took a deep breath and got the other two out of the car. We waddled across to the door and made it inside, where both boys immediately let go of my hands and attempted to explore. I asked the attendant where the bathroom was and then herded the kids to the small space. Someone once told me that getting kids to go somewhere was like herding chickens, and with my experience having both chickens and kids I'd have to agree wholeheartedly!
    Once into the clean (so thankful) bathroom Cooper got down to business. Meanwhile Ace started unrolling the toilet paper off the roll. As I bent to pick it up and reprimand him, Tucker spit up all over the floor. So I grabbed some paper towels, cleaned up the mess, rolled up the toilet paper and herded Ace to the other side. Cooper then informed me he was finished…..and by finished I mean nothing happened. (I totally understand and know that this isn't something that is in his control, but if I'm going to go through all of this just to take him to the bathroom I'd appreciate some success.) While I was helping Cooper button up Ace was pulling a little trash can over to the sink and had the water on by the time I finished. I got him off the makeshift stool, washed Cooper's hands, wiped the sweat off my brow and grabbed two little hands before I opened the door. Back in the open store Cooper said he needed to look at something, meaning he wanted to buy something. I told him if he didn't have any money in his pockets he didn't need to look so we continued out the door. Back in the car, once all the kids were strapped back in and the car successfully started, I stopped, breathed out a sigh and we headed off for our last leg.
    We made it home and then shortly left again for Mere Mere and Popsey's house to visit with Aunt Kim and Rita, who were in town. It was a nice evening to visit and we enjoyed catching up with everyone. Kim and the boys even played some baseball in the back yard.

"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!" Psalm 150:1-6

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