Monday, November 24, 2014

Pumpkins, Pirates and Patches

   Halloween snuck up on us this year and we weren't able to have our costume party because of all of the goings on, but none the less we carved a pumpkin and took our trick or treaters out for some candy.

   Dalton is always excited to carve a pumpkin, and I'm excited to let him tackle that activity. All three boys watched and the older two helped all they could. We all let out a little happy squeal when we lit the candle in it outside (well, Dalton probably didn't squeal).

   If we'd have had our party we were all going to dress as Indians, but since we didn't we let Cooper pick their costume for the year. He chose pirates, which worked out great since we could borrow a pirate costume from Karper for Tucker! They were so very cute. We did a preview night before halloween so that Mere Mere and Popsey could see the costumes (they had to go out of town).

    Then on halloween we loaded up our pirates (after a quick photo session at home) and headed to town. We swung by the square to look at the firetruck (we were going to trunk or treat there but the line was too long and we didn't need candy that bad!).

   Then we got 50 cent corn dogs at Sonic and headed to the Heartfield's house, our starting and ending point. The pirates visited with Nana, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Charles and the cousins, then we walked around the neighborhood for a bit. Cooper was very into the whole process, Ace not so much. Tucker made it to a couple houses then decided he was still hungry so he headed back with Dalton. I continued on with Cooper and Ace and let them go to a few more houses. Ace got into the stroller and then refused to go up to any houses. He was finished and just wanted to ride. At one house a man came out to the road and tried to give Ace candy….Ace responded by holding his bad closed and saying no. Sometimes I'm so embarrassed by his rudeness!!!
    We accomplished the mission though and had fun too.

    The next day we went to Stephenville after lunch to go to a pumpkin patch that a friend told us about. You know me, if there's a reason to go to Stephenville I'm going to take advantage of it! We stopped by Dalton's former employer on the way (he worked for them in college) and visited for a bit. Then drove on to the Lone Star Family Farms. It was so fun!

Slip n Slide!! 

     There were big slides that we started and ended our visit with. Then the boys climbed on stacks of hay, made their way through hay bale mazes and rode a stick horse around some barrels. 

    Next we took a hay ride around the place and took advantage of a few photo opportunities. Then we found the kiddie corn maze and wandered around in there a while. There was an adult one too, but they said it would take an hour or more to go through it so we skipped that!

    Once we knew it was close to getting time to go we let the boys go to the corn-struction site, a huge pit filled with corn seeds and machines. They loved this and we had to drag them out of there, Tucker even had a good time feeling the seeds under his hands and feet.

Dalton gave the boys a little lesson on cotton too.

   After a few more slides we headed out, very satisfied with our experience. I think we should do something like that here. It's not only a great attraction but I think it could be a money maker. Dalton didn't see it that way….oh how opposite we are. I saw a seasonal profit machine that would be fun to manage and plan while Dalton saw expense after expense and a lot of work for himself, ha! If you ever see a pumpkin patch in Graham you'll know which one of us prevailed. ; )

Corny fun!

     We had all worked up an appetite so we went to a local Mexican food restaurant and ate supper. It was delicious and the boys behaved well (probably due to their exhaustion). It was a great experience and one of those family days that I love, where we get to do something simple a fun, everyone gets along and the memory is a positive one. Or maybe I just love days when we do things for the kids….not throw in something for them after a day filled with our to dos, but just something to bring them joy. And when they have a good time, so do we.

"Therefore do not be anxious, saying 'what shall we eat?' or 'what shall we drink?' or 'what shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:31-33

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