Friday, December 5, 2014

Wedding #1, The Moores

       Going on a month ago now we celebrated the "I Do's" of Garrett and Amy. It was a fun wedding weekend, and I did shed some tears. We left early (for us) Friday morning and headed to Seguin for wedding fun. Of course it took us a while as usual. And we stopped in Marble Falls to let the kids run around a bit between naps.

     We pulled in just in time to change and get to the rehearsal. After stopping at the hotel it was hard to get the kids back into the truck but we managed. Cooper previously told a friend's mom that he was so excited about the weekend. I thought he meant that his uncle was getting married, but instead he finished with "cause we get to stay in a hotel!"

 Fathers of the bride and groom; Big John and Little John

Amy's Mom and brother and the groom to be.

Amy's Dad (Amy looks just a little excited) and practicing tying a rope of three strands.

Just the four of us. (My face is super pale because I tried a new powder, oops). And you'll notice in most of the pictures I have a lazy looking eye. It's because Ace, Tucker and I had pink eye the week before/of the wedding. Not a great problem to have before pictures!

     The rehearsal was sweet. A small backyard wedding at Amy's grandparents' house was the plan and it was very nice. Before the rehearsal started a big buck was spotted in the pasture. We knew Garrett was marrying into the right family when Amy's uncle shot it right then and there, they love hunting as much as he does. We went through the ceremony and then headed to a local restaurant for the rehearsal dinner, which was also very nice. Mom had a great slide show presentation and I must say it brought a few tears to my eyes….all those pictures of Garrett and I growing up together. When the rehearsal was over it was definitely time to get the kids back to the hotel and in bed! Cooper stayed with GG and Papa and we split up with a kid in each bed.

 The happy couple and best man Ben and his wife.

Well behaved boys. GG's little buddy. 

     The next morning the guys and Cooper and Ace went shooting at a local skeet range. Mom, Tucker and I ran a few last minute errands and visited a local Western Wear store. Then we all gathered up again at Mom and Dad's hotel room for pizza. Garrett was there too and it was nice to spend that time together as a family before he said I Do.

They all matched without trying. Garrett helps Mom sew on a button.

     Sooner than we expected it was time to get ready, so Dalton, the older boys and I all got spiffed up and headed to the ranch for pictures. Then Mom and Dad showed up with Tucker, who'd apparently been crying most of the time we left him. Guess leaving him with them wasn't such a great idea! It all worked out though and soon it was time for the real thing.

It didn't take the kids long to find the machines! 

     Right before it was time to walk in Ace realized that Cooper was getting to carry something and he wanted to carry something too. I frantically looked around the house until I finally found a fake flower for him, disaster averted. Meanwhile Dalton handed Tucker to Rachel and he cried. And cried the entire wedding! Unfortunately she had to stay inside during the entire ceremony; thankfully she had a good view.

Cutest ring bearers I've ever seen!

     Cooper did a great job as ring bearer. Ace followed and stood by me. Then the bride came down the aisle and Garrett beamed at her, very sweet. As the ceremony began Ace started pulling at his bouteneire saying he wanted it off….in front of everyone. So I quickly helped him remove it. Then he wanted his vest off. I tried to shush him but you know how he is, so the vest came off too. Thankfully that is where the removals ended.

Attempted a family shot but they weren't having it. At least it was better than GG and Papa's attempt!

      The ceremony was beautiful (more tears) and finally they were pronounced man and wife. Then we took more pictures and pushed the kids trying to get a couple more, they started to shut down at this point, ha! And we headed to the reception for food, dancing and fun.

Eyes glued to the happy couple and the stage. 

Brothers…the 3 musketeers

Dancing the night away. Tucker grabbed his bottle out of my purse and headed back to dance.  

One of Cooper's many dance partners.

      The reception was great. The kids absolutely loved the music (2 acoustic TX music artists) and they hung on the stage the entire time (when they weren't boogying). Actually Cooper fell asleep in Dalton's lap in a chair by the stage. Cooper was also really ready to dance and danced with anyone who'd give him a chance. The happy couple visited and I even snuck in a dance with Garrett.


Cutting the smashing. Couples these days…so boring. ; )

Dalton got the Franks girls on the dance floor too. 

Tucker took a nap (well watched, don't worry) in his carseat.

Sister - brother dance. 

My sleepy boys. 

The couple with Brian and Amanda, and the entertainment. 

Garrett wrote a song for Amy and played it for her at the end 
when everyone was either gone or outside getting sparklers. 

     Finally the hour was getting late and the kids were cranky. I finally sat down and held Ace and Tucker sleeping, waiting for the couple to hop in their limo and head off to St John. When the time came we sent them off with sparklers (sleeping kids in the truck by now) and watched them drive away. I was reminded of our send off and happily recalled that moment when the door shut and we were alone after the wedding. What a sweet time.

   So wedding #1 was a big success. Sunday we sent Dalton home and then the boys and I loaded up with GG and Papa and headed to their house for the week.

    Luggage carts, fun for all!

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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