Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Tucker!!

   I can't believe Tucker is 1 already. The year has flown by and he's been a joy and treasure the entire time. A super happy baby, great eater, easygoing (although he's getting a temper these days) and loves his brothers. He's my sweet papaya and I love him so.

He liked the fire on the candle 


    We were able to celebrate his birthday first with my side of the family. The Franks family and the Brian Moores all came over to Mom and Dad's to eat some pizza and sing to the little fella. It was a sweet time for me since they never get to participate in the boys' birthdays since they live so far away. Getting to be with them was nice.

 This is how you sample a cupcake.

    After pizza we gave him a cupcake but after licking the icing a few times he abandoned it and wanted to play.

 Ava made him a really neat card with a drawing that she did. What a talented artist!!

     The next day we headed to our house and I had his birthday and we had a little party for him with the Pitcocks. Again, a nice gathering to celebrate together. This time we gave him a piece of cake, but the same reaction….picked at it. Guess he's not going to be my sweets boy!

Popsey entertained the little ones for us.

 Everyone helped blow out the candle this time.

Happy family and happy birthday boy. This is the same shirt Cooper wore on his 1st birthday.

     Tucker's a special little boy and I can't wait to see how much he changes this year! He loves to play with his brothers, loves being outside and taking rides on the gator. He's a big fan of snacks, currently bananas and cheerios. He gives hugs, waves goodbye and  melts my heart!

We got him a cement mixer with balls that roll out. 

Enjoying his bottle in the personalized chair that Nana got him.
 We're trying to get him off of the bottle but he's not having it!

Picture with Mere Mere and Popsey before bed.

"You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit." Job 10:11-12

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