Friday, May 8, 2015


     This year is Cooper's first year to play organized sports. We considered soccer in the fall, but decided that preschool was enough, so we were excited to sign up for Tee ball this spring. We were a little nervous because we had no idea which team we would get, so we were really excited when we found out that Reagan Kelley and Aaron Walker were the coaches. And they had picked several kids that Cooper knew to be on the team. This made it more fun already.

      A couple weeks later Cooper had his first practice. Of course we all went, thankfully they practice next to a playground so the little boys and I went to play. Cooper looked so cute with his little glove and I was really excited to be starting baseball….if there's one sport I'd like him to play, it's baseball!

First practice!!

     The morning of the first Tee ball game, we were busy around the house. It was gardening day for us too because we'd waited a little longer to put it in, making sure there wasn't going to be another frost. We were just getting going good on the garden when I looked up and realized it was time to get ready to go. Did I mention it was also picture day for the team?
     I went inside and started gathering uniform pieces and realized that we still had to get Cooper's hat from the Kelley's house. After admiring his cuteness and oohing and ahhing over his uniform, I got Cooper's shoes, only to remember then that he'd lost a shoelace. That meant we needed to stop for a shoelace in town. Now it was go time and I started getting a little panicky about the time we had! We finished getting everyone dressed, threw everyone in the car and drove to town. We also had to go by the feed store to pick up something we'd forgotten for the garden. We went by the feed store and I dropped Cooper, Dalton and Ace off at the baseball fields so I could go get Cooper's hat. We knew we didnt' have time to go by the store too, so I cut the shoelace we had in half and it worked for the game. At this point I was thinking we were the worst tee ball parents ever, so unprepared and chaotic!!
     I wanted to get a tea to drink too, so I was going by Taco Casa when I realized that I had to have Cooper's hat to him before the group picture…which was probably any minute now. (I wasn't rushed before because I figured he could borrow a hat for his individual picture.) So I sped out of the parking lot (with my tea) and screeched into the baseball park. It was so crowded! Thankfully I made it in time and found a parking spot right behind the tee ball field. Tucker was still sleeping so I left him snoozing while I took Cooper his hat. I was able to see the group picture and tried to keep him clean until his game.

He's #6…picked the number himself. He's the one about to catch the ball in the photo ; ) 

      The game went great. Cooper got a couple good hits, woo hoo! And he even made a couple catches and threw the ball to first. I was impressed, especially since we don't watch much sports at home. And it was good to know he has some athletic ability…you never know until they get to play a sport.

 Loyal fans!! Nana made 2 games and Popsey and Mere Mere have been there to cheer Cooper on too. 
And of course the brothers are always there. Ace wants to be out there with him real bad. Tucker enjoys people watching and running around. 

      After the game I asked Cooper if he enjoyed it. He said yes but it was a little boring sometimes. I'm just glad he's doing good so I can move him to coach pitch next year! I don't think he could handle two years in tee ball. Next year it will be Ace's turn.

Posing for the picture and then making a good hit!

       The next 2 games were rained out and we've had two more since then. Cooper has been a consistent hitter and pretty good in the field…..he wasn't to thrilled about playing first base though. He would get distracted by the runners and not see the ball coming his way. He does best in the infield positions closer to the action.

Go Diamondbacks!

      I'm also loving baseball because it's a great place for the littles to play too. They can run around behind the field/dugout and I can actually enjoy the game…..a win-win!!

     After 2 solid weeks of rain outs we finally got to finish our season. I snapped a few pictures with my "big" camera during the last game. Only 6 players showed up so the boys got to do some extra fielding and catching. Ace even got to practice hitting after the game was finished and he loved it. We'll definitely be back on the baseball diamond next year! 

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are swerving the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

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