Saturday, May 9, 2015

Visit from Grandma and PaPaw

     Grandma and PaPaw have been talking about wanting to come visit us for some time now. However, making the trip up here is a big challenge for them. Like us, they have lots of animals and plants to take care of, so it's hard for them to stay gone long. Unlike us, they are older and don't travel as well, so it's easier to stay home.

     Finally though, the opportunity came for them to come visit. I found out on Saturday evening that they were coming the next day. Woah baby! Not one to discourage visitors though, I quickly got a menu ready and prepared for the visit, which included cleaning the house. Thankfully we'd just mowed the yard so the outside was looking good.

     The next morning I went to the grocery store, started lunch, cleaned the house, tried to keep the kids busy, and tried to make the house as 'first impression' ready as I could. About 10:30 they pulled up so I rushed to change out of my homey clothes and then greeted them outside.
     We had such a sweet visit…..once the pressure of showing PaPaw my garden was finished. Thankfully we'd just gotten it planted (see pics below) so there was something to show him. Unfortunately it wasn't too impressive yet….I only hope that I can send him some pictures of it thriving later this summer.

      They got the tour of the place, inside and out. And then it was time for lunch. I made chicken tacos with rice and beans and a chocolate chip cookie cake for dessert. It was a success! After lunch some took a nap while the rest of us hung out in the yard, swinging and talking.

Tucker tried to hide from us in the shop. The guys visiting about the price of cattle. 
Pearson visiting the broncs.

 Mom and Grandma; John and Little John, aka Tucker
The boys showed PaPaw where the arena would be. Papa got a workout carrying the boys on brooms. About 3 seconds after this picture was taken the heads of the brooms fell off the sticks, 
taking the boys with them. 

     When everyone was up again, we played the bean bag game, while the boys ran around (or stole bean bags from us). Then there was a lull in the action. So I asked who wanted to race. The little kids raced around the house. Then Pearson, who had come up to visit too, wanted to get in on the competition. No one else volunteered as his opponent so guess who got to race Pearson three times…….me! He won. I won. We tied.

 It's always pretty competitive around here when games are involved. Despite Mom's attempts to distract Dad, he still managed to make a few in the hole. 

      Next, I set up an obstacle course for the boys (let's face it…I couldn't last another race). Pearson, Cooper and Ace competed and bettered there times after running the course twice. Then Dalton and I joined in. I actually beat Dalton, woo hoo! However, if he'd not missed the ball the first time he probably would have won…..but that's an if. Unfortunately I have no pictures from the course because I chose to video instead; a good decision because they were pretty good videos.

Cooper's photography skills at work

      After lots of laughter, and garden, chicken and life advice, we reluctantly said goodbye to our visitors. I was so very glad that they came up to visit, and so grateful that they took the time and made the effort to come. I think that they enjoyed it….PaPaw even joked he wanted me to save him a corner of the barn in case he wanted to move in. I hope they I'll always have a place for them here when they want to come back, for a visit or forever!
       Thankful for the joy of new gardens and the potential that is there! And thankful for grandparents who love me and seek to encourage me and pass on knowledge that they have. Now it's my turn to go and visit them.

"Gray hair is a crown of glory. It is gained in a righteous life." Proverbs 16:31

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