Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cooper's Preschool Graduation

     Cooper's preschool year started a little rough but he finished well. He loved going and seeing his teachers every week and I had to start working on him early to make sure he didn't get upset when the last week came. Thankfully he was fine and just as excited to start the summer adventure.

Last day of school!

     But before we could start summer fun we had to attend Cooper's little graduation. It was a sweet time and I was proud of my little man. We watched him walk in with his classmates and say the pledge. When it was time to hand out the 'diplomas' the teachers said something about each student as they came up. For Cooper they said "Cooper is extremely loving and respectful." I was bursting with pride and so happy to hear this. My sweetie pie.

     After the ceremony we shared lunch and then he told his friends and teachers goodbye. I'm sure we'll see them again…..and Ace keeps mentioning going to Cooper's school so maybe when he is 4 we can give it a go.

    While Cooper was celebrating his last day of school, Tucker was experiencing a first……haircut! Dalton had told me we couldn't consider baby #4 until Tucker got a haircut so the next day I took him in! He did great. He sat still….because he was playing with my wallet….and looked dashing after his cut. I'm glad that we got it done before summertime. My little baby looks like a big boy even more now.


"Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

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