Friday, June 26, 2015

Working the rest of the calves

     This year working calves was spread out over a month or so and this post will document the workings that were after the cowpokes post. The boys were really wanting to help but they are still a little young. So we let them be around and always sit on the smallest calf of the bunch. I got brave too and helped out more this year. It was fun, and I made sure to give them a reassuring pat before we let them up.
Checking out the cows on the one eyed horse at the Pitzer.

Working calves at the Wignal. Dalton enlisted a friend to help out too. Obviously Tucker was not happy being left out….or maybe it was all the mooing calves.

They like playing in the trailer and pretending to be wild bulls.

We were too loud and got sent away. We snuck back out to the truck later and got to see a little action. 

Sunday morning ride.

Helping Popsey at the Pitzer

 Horses aren't just for work. We took a family ride now that Ginger is here. I was a little nervous since she hadn't been ridden in a LONG time, but she did good. 
Cowboys…canteen - check, chaps - check, hats - check, horses-check!
At the Pettus. Cooper was not too happy with Popsey because he already had the calves penned when they arrived. He was hoping to round up the cattle in the pasture. 

Leading the horses around before saddling up for a ride.

Now that we have a 4wheeler, feeding is a lot easier on those muddy days. 
And the boys are always ready to help! 

"I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills." Psalm 50 9-10 

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