Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cooper's Birthday

     After the rains finished (just in the knick of time), we went to work setting up the arena the evening before the party. The next day we finished foods,  put out seating for our guests and made sure the "concession stand" was well stocked, including a popcorn machine courtesy of Mere Mere and Popsey.
     Then it was a matter of waiting for our contestants to arrive. Cooper enjoyed working the check in booth, handing out bandanas and back numbers.

The contestant flyers. GG and Cooper finalizing details for the party. 

Cooper is ready for his guest to arrive!

The rodeo grounds

I got my official number and he enjoyed handing out the numbers and
 bandanas to the contestants as they arrived. 

 The group ready for the grand entry. Announcer Dalton

    Overall the party was such a fun time! The kids all had fun doing the rodeo and the parents were entertained. Dalton was the announcer over the speaker and took to that role. He enjoyed being the MC. I couldn't stop laughing because he kept saying "We'd like to thank our sponsors…Mere Mere and Popsey Pitcock and GG and Papa Moore" And people were not visiting our concession stand like we'd hoped so he kept reminding them that "the concession stand it open."

 Birthday boy enjoying the rodeo while spectators watch. 

 Cooper showing how the barrels are done while Ace watches. Ace didn't want to participate because he thought someone might laugh at him. He did enjoy helping Daddy though.

Tucker was looking mighty handsome in his duds. Cooper gave the bucking horse a try.

The popcorn stand was a big hit! 

Visiting with Nana between events. 

The final event - flag race. Ace finally decided to participate with a friend's help.

     After the rodeo we turned a couple goats in the yard and let the kids do a goat scramble. All was good until the kids chased them onto the porch. Thankfully the guys grabbed them before any damage was done.
When we shouted Go! everyone but my boys took off after the goats. 

     What a fun party for everyone!!! Wish I would have written earlier so I could have remembered more details.

Group shot!

Birthday boy and his cowboy cake, courtesy of Mere Mere and Popsey.

      And before the big party, we had a little party for Cooper on his actual birthday. Didn't take a lot of pictures but at least it's documented.

The stock resting after the events. Tucker had to shed a layer to keep cool by the end of the party.

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of lights." James 1:17

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