Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rain rain….came in May

I'm very embarassed…it's been almost 3 months since I've blogged. Oh the good tidbits I've missed sharing and probably won't share since I'm 3 months behind and have forgotten them all! It's been a busy summer (obviously) and we are already heading into the fall with a full schedule. So the next few catch up posts may be brief, but at least they'll be recorded. Then hopefully I can get back to posting regularly; I miss sharing the daily funnies. 

My washing machine was on overtime during this month….because who can resist muddy puddles?

     May was a very very wet month. So wet that grass grew, tanks filled and farmers and ranchers were happy campers. Of course it hasn't really rained since, so the joy of that month has sort of worn off. But back then we were excited. There were even some severe storms that had the kids in the closet while they passed, but nothing severe hit us. 

Soggy yard and lots of muddy play.

Had to give these guys a ride when they got the Heavy Chevy stuck in the mud. 
Ace kept telling me how loud the truck was when daddy was trying to get it out.

The blue dot is us…we stayed in the red for a long time. 
The boys enjoying some closet time during a storm. 

They were a heavy load trying to get across the little creek!

     Cooper's birthday party - a rodeo - was scheduled for one weekend and it rained and rained until 2 days before. In fact, we had to postpone it a day so that it would be dry enough to play. 

The day before the party…Papa John showing them how to water surf.

Happy boys!

Filling up the tanks and then some!

"Ask rain from the Lord
    in the season of the spring rain,
from the Lord who makes the storm clouds,
    and he will give them showers of rain,
    to everyone the vegetation in the field." Zechariah 10:1

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