Monday, May 14, 2012


   A few weeks ago Kallie and Karper came to Graham for a visit and made it to our house for a morning play date and lunch. Cooper and Karper got along really well. It made me excited to see Karper, now 7 months old, and all that 7 months old includes....the sitting up and constant smiling, eating baby food, being tough enough to handle Cooper hanging out around him; can't wait until Ace can do all of those things (ok maybe I can).  Karper is so cute and he was such a happy baby.
   Here are a few pictures from our visit. The next time we see Karper he'll be crawling or even walking. Cooper will really be ready to play with him then!

Kallie is showing Cooper the Elmo app

Karper and Uncle Dalton

     That weekend we went over to Meredith and Louis's house for a get together. The Heartfields came over too, so Cooper got some quality play time with the cousins. He was a little unsure for a while, watching other kids run all over his turf (usually Mere Mere and Popsey's yard is all his), but eventually he started playing.

 "Hurry and take the picture!"

Mere Mere and her grandsons

 Cooper and Graham.. Cooper is just itching the side of his nose 
(that's my story and I'm sticking to it) 

 Cooper's learning to jump with Becca

     The next week I decided to invite some friends over for a play date at my house. Since we live out of town Cooper doesn't get to go to the park much or play with other kids, except at church nursery, so I thought having his friends come to him would be great.

     Three moms and their kids were able to come out and we had such a great time. The moms enjoyed watching the kids play and visiting, and the kiddos enjoying playing with toys and each other. Cooper was kind of a loner at times, but he did ok. We all went and let the chickens out (which was a little comical), and the kids played with Gus and the horses through the fence. Country life has its perks when it comes to entertaining. The scenery keeps the kids entertained.

 Top: Emory, Kason and Ella
Bottom: Krew and Cooper

 The boys dumped all of the goldfish out of the bowls

 Sharing a snack

    After some playtime the kids got hungry and devoured some goldfish. That's when we decided to have lunch. We made sandwiches and the kiddos ate on the kitchen floor..too windy to eat outside. After lunch and a little more play everyone headed home. It was such a fun time and I hope to do it again soon. Where was Ace this whole time you ask? He fell asleep shortly after everyone arrived and slept most of the time. What a good boy.

Eating lunch

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him." Psalm 28:7

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