Thursday, May 17, 2012


     Cooper has a buddy. His name is Horsey, and he's a part of the really, Cooper insists that he be treated like a third child. After Ace came along, Cooper did the baby thing for about a week and then decided that going back to a baby wasn't for him. Not to be left out, he's made Horsey his baby, or at least his little friend.

     At first he was treating Horsey like a baby and putting him in the swing or carrying him around wrapped in a blanket; at one point Cooper even wanted me to feed Horsey too while I was feeding Ace. Now Horsey has grown up a little bit and he's more Cooper's age now. Here are a few things Horsey likes to have done:

1. Putting socks on. When we were leaving Mom and Dad's house I put Cooper's socks and shoes on. He then promptly held up Horsey's hooves and insisted I put socks on him. So Horsey visited the Credit Union with one sock on...the other one fell off in the car (maybe he is more like a real baby than I thought).

2. Finger and toenails need to be clipped. Today, after I clipped Cooper and Ace's fingernails, Cooper held up Horsey so I could clip his too. Luckily Horsey wasn't as squirmy as the other two, so it went pretty fast.

3. Going everywhere with us. Horsey used to be necessary for bedtime only, but now, as a family member, we have to take Horsey with us all the time. I don't mind, he's quiet and doesn't fight the car seat. One place Horsey doesn't go is the backyard. I told Cooper that it wasn't safe for him out there and after a very brief encounter with Gus Gus he and Horsey agreed.

4. Watching TV. The other night Cooper wanted us to change the channel on the TV. We said "No" many times. Then I looked over and Cooper had Horsey. Horsey turned his head and looked at me, then raised his hoof and pointed at the TV repeatedly (the signal to change channels), with a little help from Cooper of course. It was too funny!

5. Hide and Seek. Horsey likes to play hide and seek at nap time. Cooper puts him under the blanket and raises his hands to do the "I don't know?" look. Then we search until we find him.

6. We call him by name..well, sound. When we can't find Horsey, Cooper whinnies and we go searching. Usually Horsey isn't too far away. Sometimes I even hear him whinny back...

7. Drinking milk. Horsey seems to like milk too. When Cooper drinks his milk, he will often stop and put it up to Horsey's mouth so that he can have a drink too. At least Cooper is practicing sharing already. He's also happy to share Horsey with Ace..great big brother.

     So, welcome to the family Horsey! We are glad you are a member. Just don't run away, or we'll be in serious trouble.

Horsey (photo courtesy of Cooper)

"Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3-4

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