Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Visiting GG and Papa John

     We recently went to visit GG and Papa John. We left on a Wednesday and came back on a Monday...I know, it was a long visit. But we had such a good time it was just impossible to leave any earlier. Plus, Dalton was working late while we were gone, so we didn't feel like we were abandoning him. We had a great time visiting, swimming, watching Dora and Diego, and even fishing. The pictures tell the story of our visit.

 Catching dust bunnies in the sunlight on Day 1

 Step one: get some cream filling on your finger
Step 2: Lick the cream off the finger      

 Step 3: Enjoy

    Papa John with Ace

Hanging out with Ace

Cooper's first time in the pool this was a little chilly

Visiting Papa at work

Horsey..check, hat...check, Iphone...check

Pizza lunch with Papa John and GG, Cooper was enjoying his pizza.
When Papa John got there Cooper imitated him. When Papa took a bite, Coop took a bite..
sometimes of Papa's piece instead of his own.

Cooper is ready for the pool...not sure if Horsey is though

 I cruised around the pool with Cooper for a little while

 Parker, Aunt Rachel and Paige introducing themselves to Ace

 Aunt Rachel helped Cooper get ready to jump

The cousins paying in the pool, so glad they came to visit!

 Cooper and Paige; he wasn't too sure about the goggles

Ace enjoyed being poolside too; very relaxing

 "I'm ready to jump Mom!"

"One, two three, Go!" Parker is waiting patiently. Cooper would walk to the edge and when he could curl his toes over the edge he knew it was time to jump. He did so good.

The ultimate swimmer...Parker stayed in the pool longer than anyone else. : )

 We were all watching 'Guy on a Buffalo' Silly but so funny!
I wasn't going to include this picture, but then I saw Cooper and thought it was funny.
So, where's Cooper??

 We went to visit the Moore's too
Uncle Brian is keeping Cooper from stealing Hank's 4-wheeler.

 Ava was happy to hold Ace for a little while

 Papa John let Cooper take the mower for a spin.

And when we finally made it home from our trip these were waiting for me.
What a sweet husband I have!

 God has blessed us with so much wonderful family all around us near and far. We are so thankful!!

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing we will be content with that." 1 Timothy 6:6-7

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