Monday, October 29, 2012


     Being a stay at home mom has so many advantages, but being surrounded by friends isn't one of them. When you stay at home with the kids you have to make more effort to get together and socialize...and wear non-workout clothes (that I don't work out in). Because I needed some social time, as well as Cooper and Ace, I started a play group that meets once a week at different homes/parks. It's been really fun and I think all the moms are having as much fun as the kids.

The posse

     Recently we decided to go to the Ft Worth Zoo while the weather was still so pretty. We were to all meet at 10 at the zoo entrance and go in with our caravan of strollers...five mommies and nine kids total. I was so excited to go on an outing, and Cooper was excited too. That week we read some zoo animal books and practiced letters that were at the beginning of animal names to get ready. The night before I made some 'Zoo Chow' for snacks and we set out early the next morning.

     On the way it hit me that I was going to the city alone with the kids (which normally I avoid...less you go, less meltdowns and problems). Even though I was tempted to panic for a second I didn't dwell on it and let my excitement rule. We all arrived about the same time so we were able to park together. After feeding the little babies, going to the restroom and getting tickets, we headed in. The nice thing about going places with toddlers is that you don't have to pay for their tickets...saves a lot of money.

Orangoutangs I think 

     The first stop were the monkeys. Usually the monkeys aren't my favorite, but there was a baby one that was so cute! From there we moved on around the zoo looking at all of the animals. Cooper was much more involved this time, as opposed to when we went for his birthday. 6 months makes a big difference...either that or the fact that his buddies were with him. Finally we got to my favorite animals...giraffes. They are so graceful and pretty.

 Notice the animal behind Coop eating on his hind legs

We had to see the lions since that's what Coop is for Halloween

So pretty!

     Then we headed to the elephants. They were chowing down on some pumpkins (who knew they ate pumpkins) to celebrate 'Boo at the Zoo' kickoff. While we were watching, a TV camera came over and videoed the kids. The cameraman asked Cooper what they were and he said elephants (I understood him but the cameraman may not have). He then moved on to Lucas who told the camera that they were eating pumpkins and did the elephant noise and motion. Later on we found out that Lucas made the news! Actually we all did, but he was the only one with a speaking part. What a special treat that was.

 Packaderms and Pumpkins (according to the news)

 Lucas during his claim to fame

 I think the sun was in their eyes?

He couldn't take all the excitement...he crashed

     We kept going and saw a lot more animals before we got to the bird feeding spot. We all bought our sticks of seeds and headed in to pet the birds. Unfortunately they were all full, so even though we stretched our arms to the limits we never got them to eat. Cooper was Very disappointed.

 Coop was still a little afraid

Impossible to get the kids to look at the camera with a tiger behind them!

     The white tiger is always one of my favorite things to see at the zoo. He always paces right in front of the window so you can see him up close. I'll be honest though, it makes me sad to see him too, because I know how little his pen is. Cooper really liked this guy; he wouldn't take his eyes of him to look at the camera...maybe he wasn't too confident in the glass between them!

 This was as close to seeing the turtles as we got. 

     The last thing we headed to see were the crocodiles/alligators. On the way we heard some weird noise and looked over to see some giant turtles and let's just say there will probably be a baby turtle next year. Once we realized what was going on we quickly diverted the kids' attention to the flamingos and studied them for a little while.

Looking for the alligators

Watch out Cooper! There is a crocodile behind you!

     The crocodile and alligators are in tanks that the kids can walk up to and look in. This was a great way to end the zoo trip and, with rumbling tummies, we exited the zoo, fed babies again and met up at Chic-Fil-A for lunch. It was so good! I think the zoo was so much fun because of the great mommies that went. It's such a blessing to have such good friends.


     After we all parted ways I decided to take my chances and go to a couple of stores. to my happy surprise the boys did great! I was able to get a few items without any meltdowns and we made it home happy, healthy and full of great memories. When I got home and told Dalt how fun it was he said all the other moms were probably thinking 'crazy lady' because I get more excited than the kids. He's probably right...good thing I have friends who put up with my silliness!  Oh and by the way, I have the best job ever!!

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!" Psalm 147:1


Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Fest Weekend

     Last weekend we enjoyed an unexpected night of fun at the Open Door Christian School Fall Fest. I'd read about it in the paper and wanted to go to support the school. I wasn't sure exactly what would be happening but the paper said games and fun, so I was in.

     We had to run some errands in town that day, so Dalton told Cooper that if he was good during all of the stops he'd get a surprise. It was fun watching him wait for the surprise. He'd ask after every stop..."where's my surprise?". Finally, after dinner, we headed to the carnival, not sure what we'd find.

     When we got there, we saw lots of cars and people. I started to get excited too, and I think even Dalton was pleasantly surprised when we rounded the corner to find live Christian music, games, a petting zoo, pony rides, and more! Ace hitched a ride in the carrier on my back and Cooper followed, wide-eyed, as we bought some tickets and decided where to go first. This surprise was way better than he imagined!!

    First we went to the games. I talked Cooper into doing the cupcake walk because I didn't get dessert at dinner...shameless, I know. Unfortunately he didn't win, so we moved on. He jumped in the bounce house for a little while and then played the 'toss the bean bag into the lion's mouth' game. He wasn't too good at that one. I have to admit that a little of my competitive, want my son to be athletic attitude came  out as I watched. Let's just say we have been working on throwing balls more this week. Cooper was smart about the game though. After missing a couple he changed tactics. He'd walk towards the hole as he wound up, so that when the time came to throw he'd just drop it in.

     Next he played the fishing game. He got to hold the pole while it when behind the fishy curtain and 'caught' a prize. He was a big fan of this one! We have several prizes from this game. After the games we headed to the train ride. It was a lawnmower powered train and Cooper liked it once it started going.

      Then we went back to the fishy game, visited with several friends that we saw and headed to the petting zoo. Inside the zoo were rabbits, goats, a pony and chicks. Guess what Cooper went to? The chicks. I guess the cute little fuzzballs are hard to pass up.

     Since the petting zoo was right next to the pony rides I convinced Dalton to let him ride. Cooper was really excited about this one. It was a horse just his size and a saddle just his size. Dalton, on the other hand, was a little uncomfortable, especially when he had to guide the horses around in a circle while Cooper rode. In fact, while he was walking he looked at  me with 'a look' and said "I feel very weird doing this." When the ride stopped Cooper kicked the pony and clucked at him to try to get him to go some more. Dalton peeled him off the pony and we went fishing again and listened to a little music.

    Then it was back to the pony rides! Dalton was thrilled. I think his attitude is that we have horses at home so we shouldn't be riding ponies at carnivals like 'city folk.' Oh well! It was for a good cause.
      Where's Ace during all of this, you may be wondering? Well, he was on my back smiling and laughing at anyone that would make eye contact with him. He is just such a happy baby. Love that he always makes others feel good by smiling at them.

     Finally we decided it was time to head home. We all loaded up and I bet I said "That was so fun!" about 10 times on the way home. I loved spending the evening with my guys having fun, kid style. During the entire carnival the weather was great too. It was threatening to rain but never did and there was beautiful lightening all around us (but not close). I love Fall!

     The next afternoon Dalton helped his dad wean some calves, and we hung out at Popsey and Mere Mere's for a while. It was very relaxing and the boys had fun visiting too.

 Yummy leaf

 Blowing acorns off the trampoline; the highlight of Cooper's afternoon

Playing at Mere Mere's is hard work!

"Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Garage Sale!

   I visited my parents last week for the main purpose of having a garage sale that weekend. Not only did I want to help so I could make a little moolah, I knew it probably wouldn't happen if I wasn't there. Mom really does not like garage sales. She doesn't like the planning, pricing, haggling, clean get the picture. I, on the other hand, enjoy garage sales. It's like free money to me..I don't count the labor costs. And I need all the money I can get these days.

    Before we got into garage sale mode we had some fun earlier in the week. Monday and Tuesday Ava and Hank stayed with us. I was able to use a few creative ideas I'd thought of to add a craft or two to the fun. We went on a leaf hunt in the pasture so they could put leaves on the outline of their arm/hand and decorate it. It turned out to be more fun gathering the leaves than putting them on the paper...especially for Hank and Cooper. We started off close to the house but then wound up following the creek a little ways and had to trudge up a hill to get back home. I got a little exercise anyway.

 Ready for adventure

 Reminds me of Little House on the Prairie 

See that structure in the distance? That's the house. 

    Cooper enjoyed having Hank and Ava over. He was in prime form showing off and being silly so we didn't go to bed very early Monday night.

 SHowing off the crafts.

Playing with a toy that Garrett made

    Wednesday we went to Gma and PawPaw's to visit. I haven't been there in about a year, so I was so glad that we went to visit. We had such a good time too. They have about 10 acres and they have maximized every bit of it. Paw Paw always has a big garden going with perfectly tilled soil and straight rows. They also have some cows and plenty of chickens. Cooper and I got to gather the eggs and get a look at the greens PawPaw already has growing.

 The wine I helped to bottle

 Picking up pecans and putting them in the basket...

 Behind me is the corn patch for spring..huge!
 The smokehouse and chicken pen

 Winter greens

Coop's favorite part..PawPaw's tractor...sorry about the goofy smile

    I helped PawPaw bottle wine after lunch. He makes home made wine...which I must say is very delicious. While we bottled Cooper played on his tractor...even stopping to come in and tell him that he really liked his tractor. After that we picked up pecans and visited. We didn't leave until dark and finally made it home about 11. That's when the fun began because Ace didn't go to sleep until 2 am. Whew!

     Thursday I made my move on the garage sale items and three hours of lone work later I had it looking like a real garage sale set up. Mom may have had the harder job watching the boys. That night we set out the calculator and signs and went to bed semi-early.

 Ready for business

Mom's method of getting Ace to pretty well

     Friday morning dawned and I was ready to go. I took the money, calculator, cookies I'd made to sell (total bust by the way) and a positive attitude and headed to the house. Dad hung the signs on his way to work and the garage sale was open for business. I had lots of customers  Friday and made a good amount of money. Cooper really enjoyed the garage sale too. It was his chance to play with things he normally would get into trouble for messing with.

Checking out the merchandise

After Friday's sale!

    At the end of the day we were tired but happy. Mom and Dad were pleasantly surprised that we'd done so well, and I was ready for day two. Unfortunately day two turned out to be not so great. I said it was because we counted our money on Friday and got our hopes up but it was probably because there were events going on in Teague and Fairfield that weekend and the fact that it was cold and cloudy outside. We finally closed up shop and pretty much did nothing the rest of the evening.

 After Saturday's sale...

Cooper got tired of waiting and headed to the house himself. 
Look way up there on the left.
We kept waiting for him to stop but he never did...kinda worries me. 

    I'm hoping to get another chance to sell more some other weekend. We sold a lot but there was still so much left over! Mom and Dad aren't too into that idea though, so it may all get donated. Either way, it was a successful week/weekend. Mostly because I got to spend it with Mom and Dad. I miss having them close so much.

 Sleeping with horsey and his new buddy Buckee the Beaver,
on our way to meet Daddy

Happy to see his Dad!

    Now it's party planning time. I've talked Dalton into having a costume party to celebrate Fall and have sent out invitations. I can't wait!

"And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, ... I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of." Genesis 28:15