Monday, October 29, 2012


     Being a stay at home mom has so many advantages, but being surrounded by friends isn't one of them. When you stay at home with the kids you have to make more effort to get together and socialize...and wear non-workout clothes (that I don't work out in). Because I needed some social time, as well as Cooper and Ace, I started a play group that meets once a week at different homes/parks. It's been really fun and I think all the moms are having as much fun as the kids.

The posse

     Recently we decided to go to the Ft Worth Zoo while the weather was still so pretty. We were to all meet at 10 at the zoo entrance and go in with our caravan of strollers...five mommies and nine kids total. I was so excited to go on an outing, and Cooper was excited too. That week we read some zoo animal books and practiced letters that were at the beginning of animal names to get ready. The night before I made some 'Zoo Chow' for snacks and we set out early the next morning.

     On the way it hit me that I was going to the city alone with the kids (which normally I avoid...less you go, less meltdowns and problems). Even though I was tempted to panic for a second I didn't dwell on it and let my excitement rule. We all arrived about the same time so we were able to park together. After feeding the little babies, going to the restroom and getting tickets, we headed in. The nice thing about going places with toddlers is that you don't have to pay for their tickets...saves a lot of money.

Orangoutangs I think 

     The first stop were the monkeys. Usually the monkeys aren't my favorite, but there was a baby one that was so cute! From there we moved on around the zoo looking at all of the animals. Cooper was much more involved this time, as opposed to when we went for his birthday. 6 months makes a big difference...either that or the fact that his buddies were with him. Finally we got to my favorite animals...giraffes. They are so graceful and pretty.

 Notice the animal behind Coop eating on his hind legs

We had to see the lions since that's what Coop is for Halloween

So pretty!

     Then we headed to the elephants. They were chowing down on some pumpkins (who knew they ate pumpkins) to celebrate 'Boo at the Zoo' kickoff. While we were watching, a TV camera came over and videoed the kids. The cameraman asked Cooper what they were and he said elephants (I understood him but the cameraman may not have). He then moved on to Lucas who told the camera that they were eating pumpkins and did the elephant noise and motion. Later on we found out that Lucas made the news! Actually we all did, but he was the only one with a speaking part. What a special treat that was.

 Packaderms and Pumpkins (according to the news)

 Lucas during his claim to fame

 I think the sun was in their eyes?

He couldn't take all the excitement...he crashed

     We kept going and saw a lot more animals before we got to the bird feeding spot. We all bought our sticks of seeds and headed in to pet the birds. Unfortunately they were all full, so even though we stretched our arms to the limits we never got them to eat. Cooper was Very disappointed.

 Coop was still a little afraid

Impossible to get the kids to look at the camera with a tiger behind them!

     The white tiger is always one of my favorite things to see at the zoo. He always paces right in front of the window so you can see him up close. I'll be honest though, it makes me sad to see him too, because I know how little his pen is. Cooper really liked this guy; he wouldn't take his eyes of him to look at the camera...maybe he wasn't too confident in the glass between them!

 This was as close to seeing the turtles as we got. 

     The last thing we headed to see were the crocodiles/alligators. On the way we heard some weird noise and looked over to see some giant turtles and let's just say there will probably be a baby turtle next year. Once we realized what was going on we quickly diverted the kids' attention to the flamingos and studied them for a little while.

Looking for the alligators

Watch out Cooper! There is a crocodile behind you!

     The crocodile and alligators are in tanks that the kids can walk up to and look in. This was a great way to end the zoo trip and, with rumbling tummies, we exited the zoo, fed babies again and met up at Chic-Fil-A for lunch. It was so good! I think the zoo was so much fun because of the great mommies that went. It's such a blessing to have such good friends.


     After we all parted ways I decided to take my chances and go to a couple of stores. to my happy surprise the boys did great! I was able to get a few items without any meltdowns and we made it home happy, healthy and full of great memories. When I got home and told Dalt how fun it was he said all the other moms were probably thinking 'crazy lady' because I get more excited than the kids. He's probably right...good thing I have friends who put up with my silliness!  Oh and by the way, I have the best job ever!!

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!" Psalm 147:1


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