Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Fest Weekend

     Last weekend we enjoyed an unexpected night of fun at the Open Door Christian School Fall Fest. I'd read about it in the paper and wanted to go to support the school. I wasn't sure exactly what would be happening but the paper said games and fun, so I was in.

     We had to run some errands in town that day, so Dalton told Cooper that if he was good during all of the stops he'd get a surprise. It was fun watching him wait for the surprise. He'd ask after every stop..."where's my surprise?". Finally, after dinner, we headed to the carnival, not sure what we'd find.

     When we got there, we saw lots of cars and people. I started to get excited too, and I think even Dalton was pleasantly surprised when we rounded the corner to find live Christian music, games, a petting zoo, pony rides, and more! Ace hitched a ride in the carrier on my back and Cooper followed, wide-eyed, as we bought some tickets and decided where to go first. This surprise was way better than he imagined!!

    First we went to the games. I talked Cooper into doing the cupcake walk because I didn't get dessert at dinner...shameless, I know. Unfortunately he didn't win, so we moved on. He jumped in the bounce house for a little while and then played the 'toss the bean bag into the lion's mouth' game. He wasn't too good at that one. I have to admit that a little of my competitive, want my son to be athletic attitude came  out as I watched. Let's just say we have been working on throwing balls more this week. Cooper was smart about the game though. After missing a couple he changed tactics. He'd walk towards the hole as he wound up, so that when the time came to throw he'd just drop it in.

     Next he played the fishing game. He got to hold the pole while it when behind the fishy curtain and 'caught' a prize. He was a big fan of this one! We have several prizes from this game. After the games we headed to the train ride. It was a lawnmower powered train and Cooper liked it once it started going.

      Then we went back to the fishy game, visited with several friends that we saw and headed to the petting zoo. Inside the zoo were rabbits, goats, a pony and chicks. Guess what Cooper went to? The chicks. I guess the cute little fuzzballs are hard to pass up.

     Since the petting zoo was right next to the pony rides I convinced Dalton to let him ride. Cooper was really excited about this one. It was a horse just his size and a saddle just his size. Dalton, on the other hand, was a little uncomfortable, especially when he had to guide the horses around in a circle while Cooper rode. In fact, while he was walking he looked at  me with 'a look' and said "I feel very weird doing this." When the ride stopped Cooper kicked the pony and clucked at him to try to get him to go some more. Dalton peeled him off the pony and we went fishing again and listened to a little music.

    Then it was back to the pony rides! Dalton was thrilled. I think his attitude is that we have horses at home so we shouldn't be riding ponies at carnivals like 'city folk.' Oh well! It was for a good cause.
      Where's Ace during all of this, you may be wondering? Well, he was on my back smiling and laughing at anyone that would make eye contact with him. He is just such a happy baby. Love that he always makes others feel good by smiling at them.

     Finally we decided it was time to head home. We all loaded up and I bet I said "That was so fun!" about 10 times on the way home. I loved spending the evening with my guys having fun, kid style. During the entire carnival the weather was great too. It was threatening to rain but never did and there was beautiful lightening all around us (but not close). I love Fall!

     The next afternoon Dalton helped his dad wean some calves, and we hung out at Popsey and Mere Mere's for a while. It was very relaxing and the boys had fun visiting too.

 Yummy leaf

 Blowing acorns off the trampoline; the highlight of Cooper's afternoon

Playing at Mere Mere's is hard work!

"Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17

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