Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Day in the Wonderful Life..Pre-Christmas Fun

     We love spending time with family at Christmas time, especially when we get to see family that we don't get to see very often. Justin, Kallie and Karper came to Graham for Christmas we were able to have them out for a 'Day in the life of Dalton..' as Justin likes to call it. While the boys went to Carter Bend to feed cattle and hunt pigs, the women-folk stayed at the house and visited and made supper.

The serious pose

     The cousins got to play together and get to know each other a little more as they played outside until it got too chilly. You know how kids are at that age though, they each played individually but kept an eye on each other in case they found something more fun to do. While they visited, so did the girls, Kallie, Mere Mere, Merann and I.

 Cooper's showing off his dirt

Karper liked dancing with Rizzo the Christmas mouse

      When Popsey, Justin and Dalton got back we ate, visited and enjoyed the relaxing visit before the fun craziness of Christmas started.

Mere Mere showing the boys Santa's sleigh

'My cousin Karper' - taken by Cooper

     After being outside and playing in the dirt all the boys needed a bath, so we put them all in the tub together and let them splash around together for a little bit. Tub pictures are so cute (especially when all the right parts are covered).

     Then on Sunday we had a big Pitcock lunch for all of the Pitcocks, about 50 people were there. It was fun to see all of the cousins with kids, and the food was delicious. They even managed to get a large group picture of all the clan. After that, we headed over to Mere Mere and Popsey's to stay the afternoon/evening and enjoy more family time.

     It was such a joy to relax in my comfies and visit while the kids played. Then it was time to watch It's a Wonderful Life, which I had never seen. I know, it's sad that it took me this long to watch it. With a few interruptions it took all afternoon, but I finally got it watched. It was so good; tear filled, but good! Made me want to be a George Bailey (well, without the wanting to die and being depressed part) and give more to others.

Dalton snapped this in my mid-chew….

     After the movie and pizza, Dalton, Cooper and Merann made holly. We stayed as long as we could, and then headed home to get ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas. I have to say that even though Christmas was really great, that day was my favorite…visiting with everyone and just spending quality time.

Making holly!

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10


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