Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gobble Gobble


 I know this post is a bit late, but I had to include some pics/memories from our recent trip down south to my parents' house and grandparents' house. We left on Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving with a carload of stuff and a craving for turkey.

    We finally made it to Mom and Dad's for a short visit and then a not-so-good night's sleep. All four of us in one room trying to stay quiet doesn't work so well. Didn't hear any complaints from Garrett the next morning though, so it must have been ok.

He wound up in our bed at Mom and Dad's. I think he liked it!

    Mom and Dad had to work 1/2 day so we hung out at the house and got ready to go. We had family pictures for the entire Scherer clan (29 of us) that evening and had a long way to go to get there. The trip went really smooth. We arrived at our hotel with enough time to freshen up and let a very excited Cooper run back and forth between the two rooms.

    Then it was picture time. All of the families showed up on time (a miracle in itself) but the studio was running about 45 min behind schedule. So we waited and waited and waited. Finally, when we thought we couldn't make it anymore they called us. Each family had their pictures taken and then we took the big one. It took a lot of arranging and several attempts to get the kids to be happy AND still, but they managed to get a good shot. Of course, the one picture that everyone else looked good in had to be the one that I opened my eyes a little wider…so I have the deer in the headlights look. God's teaching me humility in so many ways.

     After the pictures we headed to Texas Roadhouse to eat and enjoyed the visiting and good food. Then it was off to bed until the next morning…Thanksgiving!

    After getting up and around and having a hotel waffle (can't pass up one of those) we loaded up and headed for Grandma's. I was really thirsty and wanted a soda (spoiled I know) so we swung into a Sonic. Only after sitting there for a minute did we realize that it was closed. We had a laugh and then had another one as we saw a car waiting at the drive through for her order to be taken.

 Once Cooper found his cousin's 4-wheeler it was over….

 Until he saw the golf cart! Thanks for the ride Uncle Bubba!

Logan and Cooper in the wagon


 Water bottle…a great toy

Playing in the dirt. If you look closely you'll see dirt covering Coop's face

     The day was filled with a mixture of food prep, food intake and exercise after the food. Then it was more food and time to go home. We played volleyball for a while. It was really fun, but then Mom and I got on opposite sides of the net…and it got a little competitive. Luckily we weren't keeping score.

 Grandma and Ace

    Overall it was a great day of feasting and fun! Friday we did NOT go shopping but hung out at the house. Mom worked on getting Ace to take formula (per Dr.'s orders) and by the end of the day he was liking it. I was a little sad, but it was nice to let someone else feed him while I went out with the guys.

Go Ace Go!

Look Mom, I'm helping

    By the guys I mean Dalton and Garrett. We went to Corsicana to see a movie. We saw the Bond movie, pretty good, and then had some real fun on the go-cart track. We raced around and I'm not sure who won (ok, it wasn't me).

 First time watching Frosty the Snowman

 Dad's new herd

 Gus likes to steal cubes from the cows

 All the guys

 The best view is from the top of the fence

    The rest of the weekend we just hung out and visited. It was a really nice visit. Pearson even got to come over and spend a night, which Cooper enjoyed so much. He kept referring to him as 'my friend Pearson.'


 Mmmm, Thanksgiving leftovers

 What did he catch?

A frog!

Coop and Pearson concentrating on peeling their oranges. The little cuties are Coop's new fav snack.

   Sunday we finally loaded up and headed home. I was a bit sad because I'm always sad to leave, but at least we got a good long visit. We did a wee bit of shopping on the way home and made it back without much fuss.

    Now, 5 pounds and over a week later I'm wrapping presents with the air on. It's 80 outside…not the best weather for setting the mood. I guess it's a good reminder that Christmas is about the birth of Emmanuel and not snow and jingle bells. Although I wouldn't mind sweater weather…those sweaters sure help cover those 5 lbs.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made." John 1:1-3

(Love this scripture)  

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