Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Day

     Chocolate, what chocolate? I haven't seen any chocolate.

     The Christmas spirit was abundant in our house this year, and it couldn't be contained. It was time to spread the joy. I always bake some sort of something to hand out to friends and family around Christmas, but this year I was having trouble deciding what to make. Until I watched last year's Christmas episode of The Pioneer Woman. After watching that episode and resigning myself to the fact that I'm a Pioneer Woman wannabe (you're right Dalt), I decided to copy her idea and make cinnamon rolls, wrap them in a pretty bandana and give them with Christmas cheer.

     Saturday morning dawned and I began the full day of making cinnamon rolls. It takes a little time because of the rising, but with the help of my faithful babysitter and stirrer (def: man who stirs for me when my arm gets tired) I had them hot, gooey and ready to go by that afternoon.

Tickle Fest!

     Of course I couldn't just travel with the cinnamon rolls; I had to make something a little more festive for some folks, so Cooper and I whipped up another batch of peppermint bark and then some rice crispie treat pops dipped in almond bark. They were cute and yummy.

     The roll making process went pretty smooth, except that I felt a bit guilty putting as much butter and sugar in them as the recipe calls for. Oh well, it is the season for decadence, right? I did give a warning as we delivered, just so that I was not responsible for any sugar comas or anything.

What a mess! And look at all that butter…

 Rolling them tight is a very tedious task


     After naps we loaded up the boys, rolls and other goodies and headed into town. We made our deliveries of rolls and joy and looked at Christmas lights as we drove around. It was such a fun evening! Nothing better than being the bearer of good food, especially when they don't expect you.

I found Christmas bandanas at Hobby Lobby, perfect finishing touch.

     I think I might have started my own tradition here, but I might have to have two cinnamon roll days next year because it was so fun handing them out that I want to give them to more people.

"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.." Luke 1:46-47

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