Monday, January 14, 2013

In the Last Thirty Minutes….


    It's Monday, too cold to play outside and has been for a while. This is a recipe for wildness and the other side affects of cooped up syndrome. In the last thirty minutes…

Cooper has bounced like an energizer bunny from the table to the door saying goodbye to Popsey. I didn't know anyone could hop that fast and that many times…Popsey was a little afraid as he tried to outrun him.

Ace has put several leaves and sticks in his mouth from the plants that have to be inside to save them from freezing….so I've fished these things out of his mouth which isn't as easy as it sounds, he clamps down hard on the finger.

Cooper has gotten empty water jugs and thrown them around the kitchen. He was going for full water bottles but Dalton stopped him before they left his hand. (after this, with amazed eyes, Dalt started gathering his stuff and preparing to leave the madness)

Ace has repeatedly tried to dig into the dirt of the aforementioned plants…we finally put the plant onto the freezer.

Cooper ran out onto the front porch and tee tee right off of it…at least he was taking initiative to go on his own.

Ace pulled out most of the plastic cups from the lower cabinet and slobbered on them.

Cooper piled up foam tiles beside a chair in the kitchen and jumped from the chair onto the pile, landing on his bottom. He cried, Dalt and I looked at him with wonder and a little confusion. (for the record this was not a sanctioned jump)

Ace pulled the dirty clothes out of the washer about as fast as I could get them into the washer, putting each piece into his mouth if I couldn't grab it fast enough.

And as I was re-inserting clothes into the washer Cooper appeared with a cantaloupe in hand saying he wanted to eat it. Dalt hadn't quite made it out the door yet, so with a chuckle, he took the cantaloupe back to the counter.

Whew!! Just had to share. Being a momma is the best. In what other lifestyle could I get to experience so much imagination, determination, perseverance and general fun. Seriously, it's these moments that make me smile the most because they are so real and kid-ish.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to get Cooper out of one of the cabinets and put these wild things down for a nap.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song!" Psalm 28:7

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