Monday, January 7, 2013

Sweet Blessing of Family

    What a relaxing weekend we had. It seems like it's been a long time since we just hung out and enjoyed our blessings.

    Saturday we went Breckenridge so Dalton could get a new scope for his gun…his Christmas gift cards were burning a hole in his pocket. We treated ourselves to a Sonic drink and then stopped at the Breckenridge park for a little playtime. It was a bit colder than we thought it would be, so Dalt and Ace went back to the car pretty quick. It stuck it out with Cooper and played with him…I even went down a few slides. It was really fun and my new camera captured it wonderfully. It was nice to enjoy the simple pleasure of playing at the park. We appreciate it so much more since we don't have one too close.


He had to concentrate very hard to get across, 
and he was very proud when he made it.

 Watch out, here comes Daddy!

     That afternoon, while the boys slept, I went for a long ride on Dandy. It was great! Very relaxing, refreshing and addicting. I really want to ride more often. I'm always amazed at how beautiful the area we live in is. I told Dalt this morning that everything is more beautiful horseback too. Then I helped Coop haul some old cabbage plants to the chicken pens. He loved driving his tractor out of the yard and into the chicken pen, dumping the goods and backing out. He can really maneuver that thing well.

     We finished the evening with steak and sweet potato french fries, and Dalt and I watched Hunger Games after the kids went to bed. I had a few flashbacks of labor while we watched.
      Then the best part of the day happened…both boys slept all night in their beds until 7:30!! Unheard of in this household. I woke up this morning thinking this parenting thing is easy when they sleep all night; what a difference it makes.
     Today we went to church and then to Weatherford for more gun stuff. We ate lunch at CiCi's; a perfect place for families like us. It's loud enough to cover our noise and has pizza for everyone! As a bonus we went to Target so the boys could spend their Christmas gift cards from Aunt Rita. Cooper got a drum with lots of other noisemakers included. He walked around the store drumming and saying "March, march march march," and got lots of encouragement from other shoppers. Ace got diapers and baby food and he was very excited about it. The best part of the trip was that both boys did great the entire time. It may go down as the smoothest trip we've ever had.
     Thank you Lord for a wonderful weekend of family time. What a blessing it is to just enjoy the little things and the free things in our lives!

"Peace I live with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
(memory verse for this week)

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