Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Just Chillin'

     So, I'm leading two Bible studies, wrangling two boys and trying to keep our house from staying in a constant state of disarray, which doesn't leave much time for blogging. But these boys are just so cute that I have to share a few pics and funnies.

 Giving Ace a pull

"You can't catch me!"

    Ace is walking really well now. He still stops, drops and crawls when he wants to get somewhere quick, but it's nice to see him toddling across the room to me.

 Peekaboo!! A favorite for both boys

     The weather has been nice and we've been outside a lot. Last weekend Dalton and Cooper worked on the garden and we all took turns riding horses. Cooper was full of funny quotes that day:

     When asked if he wanted to stop shoveling and ride Dandy, he responded, "No Mom, I've got a lot of work to do." And he just kept on shoveling.

    He watched Dalton work with Alice in the round pen and apparently sat in some cactus. Dalton took him to the house to work on what he called the cactus situation. Cooper came in and said, "Momma, I have a cactus situation."

    It was a dirty job, scooping chicken and horse poo to put in the garden. While the worker bees were working, Cooper looked at Dalton and said "I love poop." Hmmmm, maybe he meant he loved his job?

    And then there are the ever present reminders of what I say all the time. Dalton says that Cooper talks just like me. I'm sure you never hear me say…

"I love ______!"


"Come on guys."

"Well that was fun." This one is particularly cute because any time we get in the car after visiting someone or doing something he sits back, buckles in and says that.

     Ace is a little climber. He climbs the slide outside now and basically leaps off of it into my arms. It's a little scary, but he loves it. He's also learned to climb up the back steps, not so great. But I've been working on teaching him how to climb down and amazingly he is picking that up really well. He's not ready to handle them solo, but I am a little less fearful about it.

 Tee pee and fort under the dining table

This weekend is the stock show in Ft Worth and next Thursday we leave for California, so I'm sure I'll have lots to share!!

"How can I repay the Lord for all His acts of kindness to me? I will celebrate my deliverance, and call on the name of the Lord." Psalm 116:12-13

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