Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cooper's Birthday

     Late again…about a month ago we celebrated Cooper's 4th birthday with burgers at the house. It was a relaxing evening with family and a fun day for Cooper.

Started the morning with banana pancakes. 
Notice Ace is trying to blow out the candles too!

Party time! GG, Mere Mere, Nana, Aunt Ellen and Uncle Charles, 
Sherry and Bob and the Heartfields joined us for the celebration.

Ace got his piece of the icing when no one was watching.

Gift time! And Ace keeping the kitties penned and out of the way.

Mere Mere and Tucker 

We got Cooper a bike and sandals…his requests. He was pretty excited.

Mere Mere and Popsey got him a cowboy hat, outift and microphone. 
He sang until we turned off the lights!

GG, Papa and Uncle Garrett got him ready for baseball season with a glove, 
batting gloves, big league chew and eye black.  

Since GG was in town we took her on a walking tour of the place
 and took some time to climb the trees.

And we watered all the thirsty plants around the house.

We also found a cute friend in the yard and kept him for a couple days…Toby the turtle. 

   Happy birthday to Cooper!! He wants to be a man, thinks he's old enough to do anything, loves anything with a motor, good videos, singing, entertaining and making everyone laugh. He's sweet and polite and very energetic (I think he has my hyper attitude!), loves PB and banana and PB and Jelly toast….as long as he gets to spread it. He's into learning lots and "working hard" whether it's plowing with his tractor, taking care of the place, or learning his letters and Bible stories. He's always friendly to everyone we meet and loves little babies (especially the girls). He loves being a big brother and takes his responsibility seriously and tries hard to get along even when Ace is not playing fair. He talks like a grownup sometimes and will use logic and reason against you. He's very hard headed and will not learn a lesson until he's good and ready, even if you have tried to spank it into him and he can throw a good fit and whine with the best of them. He's brave and not afraid of new things and gets up every morning by himself and gets dressed and ready to go. If his Daddy has already left he's sad because he likes to tag along. He loves books and reading and is into chapter books now (which Mommy enjoys). We read a few chapters before nap and bedtime and even when I think he's not paying attention he is. He's our strong willed, lovable, responsible and loving first born and I'm so thankful to have him!! I can't wait to see what this next year holds because he's gotten more and more fun each year. Love you Coopster!

"Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

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