Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Horsing Around - Cowboy Style

    As I was going through all my summer pics I saw several that didn't fit into the rodeo category but definitely dealt with horses, so I'm including another horsey post (this may not be the last either this summer.)
    The guys have worked some calves, we've moved some cows around here at the place and then there's been lots of riding when Pearson came to stay. So here's the non-competitive version of horse time.

Moving cows across the road with Popsey.

An evening ride on Dandy in their PJs, followed by cube tasting 
while Daddy practiced roping the dummy.

Karper came to visit so he got to ride too. Justin even took a horse for a spin.

Working cows at the Wignall. Tucker napped a little long that morning so he, Ace and I missed the exciting action, but we did get there in time for a few pictures. This was also the first time I saw Cooper loose and riding around alone. It made me a little nervous…and proud. 

Rob Hyde came out too, and Dalton was glad to have the help. 

Remember those cows we moved across the road with Popsey? Well, we had to move them back across to the haygrazer that grew because of some rain we finally got. Pearson and Mom were here so they got to help too.

Mom, Ace and Tucker were the truck crew while we brought up the rear. 

Dalton threw some fly powder on the cows before we moved them onto the other pasture. We all watched and Tucker napped while he could. 

 Bringing them down the lane.

Cooper tied Dandy up for a bit and Pearson explored the tall haygrazer.

 The littles had fun too, interacting and playing with the grass. 

"Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust striking terror with its proud snorting? It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength, and charges into the fray. It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; it does not shy away from the sword…" Job 39:19-22 (love these verses!)

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