Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Horsing Around - Rodeo Time!

   Seems like this spring and summer we've been getting more opportunities to ride our horses and do fun things with them which is a refreshing change from the past. I've even been in the saddle more and it feels great to be back riding some.
   Someone else has gotten in the saddle a lot more and that someone is Cooper. I was really starting to think he was never going to enjoy horses as much as he does his machines (and he still may not) but this summer he's been asking to ride all the time and we've been happy to oblige….. a lot of it has to do with Popsey providing them with a kid saddle just his size. He feels very confident now (might I say a little too confident) and is ready to go anywhere with anyone without fear.

   In addition to riding around the house and using the horses for work, we've joined a little play day group at a local cowboy church, so the kids can ride once a month and earn points each time. It's a lead line class, which sounds kinda silly at first (felt a little silly the first time I led them around too) but has really been a good thing. It's given the boys an opportunity to be on horses in a competition setting, given them confidence and has been good for the horses too. And now that Cooper's so confident and doing so well he's not so happy to be led around! We are going to let him do it on his own for the last play day.
    Dalton has also been working with Dandy on their calf roping partnership. In fact a couple weekends ago they entered up in their first roping together. It was exciting for them both and they made a great team, once they figured out the barrier….we'd forgotten to work on that with Dandy so he tried to jump it a couple times! Dalton caught all his calves though and on Day 2 they came back 8th in the average for the short go but finished outside the money. Looking forward to their next opportunity in a couple weeks.

   So here's a few shots of us horsing around rodeo style (next post will be horsing around at home), enjoy!

 First play day 

Mutton busting time! Cooper was the last kid to qualify but finished 2nd on his night.

Karper even came out to support Cooper. 

This year it was very exciting for him because it was in front of a big crowd, with lights and music and bucking horses in the chute that he got to walk past. 

 Rodeo time at the Fairfield Fair and Rodeo
Dalton and Garrett entered the wild cow milking and double mugging and Cooper did Mutton Busting.
Unfortunately Dalton's rope wasn't working very well. But it was fun!

Cooper doing some busting. He cried when he saw the winner leave with the buckle.
I think it's the first time he realized that it was a competition and he didn't win. 

 Waiting their turn.

Calf scramble! Hank, Ava and Cooper went for it. 
As you can see, this wasn't Cooper's first rodeo, he was getting a head start!

 Watching the action. Ace latched on to Amy and 
Amanda kept Tucker happy for a while.


And they're off! It's probably a good thing Dalton missed the cow…she was wild 
and ran Garrett up the fence twice while loose. 

 Play day #2, it was overcast and cool…a perfect day to be out riding!
Our friends the Kelleys were entered up too, which made the day even more fun.

Pearson came for a visit and practiced all week for the play day this past Saturday.
Practice paid off; he did a great job and even got 3rd in the goat tying!!

Rachel, Parker and Paige were there to cheer the boys on, 
along with Grandma Theo and Mere Mere.

Me and my buddy…or should I say shadow, no he's more like my little velcro kid (but I love him). 
I did have to run the barrels twice because after I took Cooper, 
Ace refused to let Daddy lead him so I had to do it. 

Ready for the goat tying, string in mouth and all.

"His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:10-11

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