Saturday, August 30, 2014

Summertime at GG and Papa's

In addition to all of the fun we've had here in Graham, we were also able to spend some time at GG and Papa's house this summer. Here's a look at what we did there (hint: there was lots of water involved).

Of course you can't talk about time at GG and Papa's without mentioning the road trips. So long….loss of patience at least once….crying babies at different intervals….thankful for naps….constantly spotting construction equipment… glad when we reached our destination! At one point I was at my wits end with Cooper chatting constantly. I told him that he could not talk to me for 10 minutes. So he instead sang what he wanted to say to me to the tune of the kids' song that was playing. Another time I pointed out a piece of equipment and Ace didn't see it in time, so he got crazy upset and I turned around to ease the pain. There's usually always an errand to do on the way to or from, and I use it as a stop point to stretch our legs. Somehow that one errand always seems to take an hour at least, but we're usually rewarded with some Chic-Fil-A afterwards (my go to spot on the road). And of course there's usually a plea to stop and potty while I'm on the Interstate or in traffic. 

Family swim time during one visit

Papa was baling hay during one of our visits so we joined in (or at least watched). 

Tucker's pondering his thoughts about being on top of a bale 
(*in case you were worried about my child's safety, don't be. Mom was squatting behind the bale holding him) 

Couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a shot of all three. Why haven't I framed this yet? 

 Practicing their dismounts…Ace preferred sliding to jumping.

Dalton counted the bales for Papa. Working with Papa is hard work 
so Ace needed a big drink of cold water. 

 Back to the pool for more fun!

We played "cross the crocodile river" and Papa was the crocodile. Ace would get so worried that he'd knock us off with his fidgeting. He's not into games like that in the water. 

 During our first trip the county fair was going on.  We bought the boys some tickets and they rode several rides, even the roller coaster. Cooper we expected to hop right on, but Ace did good too (with GG beside him.)

Sunning poolside and Cooper showing off his swimming skills with no floaties. 

 Mom and I took Cooper, Hank and Pearson to the movies to see Planes 2. I'll tell you it was exciting for me. Not the movie, but knowing that this would be my future….if I survive the toddler years! It was fun taking older kids somewhere. 

Our last swim at GG and Papa's. It's so fun to stay at a house with a pool. There was always entertainment, we felt clean after every swim, and the boys slept really well (the older two anyway)!

 Happy boy in the pool.

"Jesus said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.’” John 4:13-14

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